FWNNet: Presentation of a New Classifier of Brain Tumor Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy Logic and the Wavelet-Based Neural Network Using Machine-Learning Methods.
Mohsen AhmadiFatemeh Dashti AhangarNikoo AstarakiMohammad AbbasiBehzad BabaeiPublished in: Comput. Intell. Neurosci. (2021)
- neural network
- fuzzy logic
- fuzzy artmap
- learning vector quantization
- back propagation
- multi layer perceptron
- neural networks and genetic algorithms
- statistical parametric mapping
- soft computing
- fuzzy sets
- backpropagation neural network
- probabilistic neural network
- fault diagnosis
- artificial intelligence
- class labels
- training process
- human brain
- decision trees
- image compression
- control system
- wavelet transform
- classification algorithm
- classification method
- fuzzy rules
- neural network model
- computational intelligence
- multimedia
- pattern recognition
- rough sets
- self organizing maps
- nearest neighbour
- multiresolution
- training data
- artificial neural networks
- fuzzy classifier
- decision making
- feature selection
- feed forward neural networks
- support vector
- fuzzy inference system
- fuzzy control
- expert systems
- evolutionary computation
- membership functions
- genetic algorithm
- hidden layer
- learning algorithm
- method based on wavelet
- binary decision tree
- activation function
- fuzzy neural network
- feature set
- bp neural network
- training set
- multilayer perceptron
- pattern classification
- multi class
- svm classifier