Nonlinear recurrent neural networks for finite-time solution of general time-varying linear matrix equations.
Lin XiaoBolin LiaoShuai LiKe ChenPublished in: Neural Networks (2018)
- recurrent neural networks
- linear systems
- set of linear equations
- nonlinear equations
- linear equations
- coefficient matrix
- nonlinear dynamic systems
- numerical integration
- closed form solutions
- polynomial equations
- echo state networks
- neural model
- closed form
- neural network
- nonlinear partial differential equations
- artificial neural networks
- feed forward
- complex valued
- integral equation
- optimal solution
- finite difference
- boundary value problem
- linear approximation
- mathematical model
- algebraic equations
- semidefinite
- finite dimensional
- linear complementarity problem
- nonlinear functions
- wave equation
- hamilton jacobi
- differential equations
- complementarity problems
- sufficient conditions
- square root
- dynamical systems
- control scheme
- nonlinear systems
- gauss seidel
- numerical solution
- difference equations
- independent components analysis
- feedforward neural networks
- reservoir computing
- nonlinear models