ECIDS-Enhanced Cancer Image Diagnosis and Segmentation Using Artificial Neural Networks and Active Contour Modelling.
Muthu Subash KavithaJ. ShanthiniReddipalayam Murugeshan BhavadhariniPublished in: J. Medical Imaging Health Informatics (2020)
- active contours
- segmentation method
- image segmentation
- using artificial neural networks
- energy functional
- level set
- energy function
- gradient vector flow
- shape prior
- snake model
- multiscale
- image segmentation methods
- segmentation algorithm
- active contour segmentation
- level set framework
- active contour model
- geodesic active contours
- region growing
- model for image segmentation
- object boundaries
- minimal surface
- initial contour
- mumford shah functional
- cardiac ultrasound images
- level set method
- segmented images
- curve evolution
- image regions
- segmentation result
- gvf snake
- region based active contours
- level set evolution
- object segmentation
- image segmentation algorithm
- evolution equation
- mumford shah
- input image
- artificial neural networks
- markov random field
- regularization term
- partial differential equations
- force field
- perceptual grouping
- image structure
- multiple objects
- energy minimization
- contour extraction
- intensity inhomogeneity
- object contours
- graph cuts
- variational framework
- prior shape knowledge
- image gradient
- watershed segmentation
- vector field
- signed distance function
- region merging
- intensity distribution