Adaptive Gamification in Science Education: An Analysis of the Impact of implementation and Adapted game Elements on Students' Motivation.
Alkinoos-Ioannis ZourmpakisMichail KalogiannakisStamatios PapadakisPublished in: Comput. (2023)
- science education
- science learning
- students learning
- science curriculum
- science teachers
- game mechanics
- middle school students
- conceptual understanding
- game design
- scientific inquiry
- serious games
- middle school
- educational resources
- conceptual change
- game based learning
- critical thinking
- technology enhanced
- concept mapping
- secondary education
- science students
- high school students
- e learning
- game play
- student learning
- virtual world
- science inquiry
- subject matter
- digital games
- educational games
- high school
- computer games
- higher education
- learning environment