OUR-CVFH - Oriented, Unique and Repeatable Clustered Viewpoint Feature Histogram for Object Recognition and 6DOF Pose Estimation.
Aitor AldomaFederico TombariRadu Bogdan RusuMarkus VinczePublished in: DAGM/OAGM Symposium (2012)
- pose estimation
- d objects
- viewpoint
- object recognition
- computer vision
- degrees of freedom
- image features
- human body
- model construction
- object class
- position and orientation
- body parts
- head pose estimation
- hypothesis verification
- human pose estimation
- multiple views
- feature vectors
- shape descriptors
- object pose
- object classes
- feature points
- hand pose
- monocular images
- object recognition and pose estimation
- tracking and pose estimation
- multi view
- human pose
- camera pose
- invariant recognition
- pictorial structure
- object detection
- depth images
- machine learning
- keypoints
- lighting conditions