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Anti-Disturbance Path-Following Control for Snake Robots With Spiral Motion.
Dongfang Li
Yilong Zhang
Wei Tong
Ping Li
Rob Law
Xin Xu
Limin Zhu
Edmond Qi Wu
Published in:
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics (2023)
motion control
mobile robot
robot motion
robot control
autonomous robots
robotic systems
quadruped robot
humanoid robot
control system
image sequences
obstacle avoidance
control signals
high degree of freedom
motion model
industrial robots
autonomous systems
motion analysis
control strategy
motion segmentation
autonomous navigation
human operators
control method
moving objects
multi robot
human motion
camera motion
motion planning
space time
collision free
video sequences
optical flow
robot behavior
joint space
motion estimation
energy function
end effector
inverse kinematics
path planning
b spline
semidefinite programming
human robot interaction
control algorithm