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Yuru Pei
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2023
Publications (10 Years): 39
Top Topics
Spectral Embedding
Dense Correspondence
Similarity Estimation
Computed Tomography
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
Yicheng Zhong
Yuru Pei
Kaichen Nie
Yungeng Zhang
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Bi-Graph Reasoning for Masticatory Muscle Segmentation From Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
42 (12) (2023)
Yixiao Guo
Lei Hou
Zili Li
Yang He
Tianmin Xu
Yuru Pei
Weakly Supervised Learning Of Piecewise Rigid Transformation for Orthognathic Surgical Reconstruction of Dentofacial Deformity.
Yikun Jiang
Xiaoru Yuan
Yuru Pei
Spatially-Consistent Implicit Volumetric Function for Uni- and Bi-Planar X-Ray-Based Computed Tomography Reconstruction.
Kaichen Nie
Yuru Pei
Diya Sun
Tianmin Xu
Deep Supervoxel Mapping Learning for Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography.
PRCV (2)
Diya Sun
Yuru Pei
Yungeng Zhang
Tianmin Xu
Tianbing Wang
Hongbin Zha
Dense correspondence of deformable volumetric images via deep spectral embedding and descriptor learning.
Medical Image Anal.
82 (2022)
Yikun Jiang
Yuru Pei
Peixin Li
Yungeng Zhang
Yuke Guo
Yi Fan
Gui Chen
Fanfan Dai
Tianmin Xu
Xiaoru Yuan
Hongbin Zha
Craniofacial Volumetric Image Estimation From a Lateral Cephalogram Using Cross-Dimensional Discrete Embedding Mapping.
IEEE Trans. Computational Imaging
8 (2022)
Diya Sun
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Peixin Li
Kaichen Nie
Tianmin Xu
Tianbing Wang
Hongbin Zha
Deep Volumetric Descriptor Learning for Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography via Spectral Maps.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
41 (8) (2022)
Yunai Yi
Diya Sun
Peixin Li
Tae-Kyun Kim
Tianmin Xu
Yuru Pei
Unsupervised random forest for affinity estimation.
Comput. Vis. Media
8 (2) (2022)
Peixin Li
Yuru Pei
Yicheng Zhong
Yuke Guo
Hongbin Zha
Robust 3D face reconstruction from single noisy depth image through semantic consistency.
IET Comput. Vis.
15 (6) (2021)
Diya Sun
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Spectral Embedding Approximation and Descriptor Learning for Craniofacial Volumetric Image Correspondence.
Yicheng Zhong
Yuru Pei
Peixin Li
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Meng Liu
Wei Bai
Wenhai Wu
Hongbin Zha
Depth-Based 3D Face Reconstruction and Pose Estimation Using Shape-Preserving Domain Adaptation.
IEEE Trans. Biom. Behav. Identity Sci.
3 (1) (2021)
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Learning Dual Transformer Network for Diffeomorphic Registration.
Peixin Li
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Non-Rigid 2D-3D Registration Using Convolutional Autoencoders.
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Si Chen
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Cleft Volume Estimation and Maxilla Completion Using Cascaded Deep Neural Networks.
Mochen Yu
Yuke Guo
Diya Sun
Yuru Pei
Tianmin Xu
Automatic Tooth Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction from Panoramic and Lateral Radiographs.
PRCV (1)
Yicheng Zhong
Yuru Pei
Peixin Li
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Meng Liu
Wei Bai
Wenhai Wu
Hongbin Zha
Face Denoising and 3D Reconstruction from A Single Depth Image.
Peixin Li
Yuru Pei
Yicheng Zhong
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Meng Liu
Wei Bai
Wenhai Wu
Hongbin Zha
An Unsupervised Approach for 3D Face Reconstruction from a Single Depth Image.
Yikun Jiang
Peixin Li
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Tianmin Xu
Xiaoru Yuan
3D Volume Reconstruction from Single Lateral X-Ray Image via Cross-Modal Discrete Embedding Transition.
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Fully Convolutional Network for Consistent Voxel-Wise Correspondence.
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Si Chen
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Volumetric Registration-Based Cleft Volume Estimation of Alveolar Cleft Grafting Procedures.
Diya Sun
Yuru Pei
Peixin Li
Guangying Song
Yuke Guo
Hongbin Zha
Tianmin Xu
Automatic Tooth Segmentation and Dense Correspondence of 3D Dental Model.
Diya Sun
Yuru Pei
Guangying Song
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Tooth Segmentation and Labeling from Digital Dental Casts.
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Haifang Qin
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Masseter Muscle Segmentation from Cone-Beam CT Images using Generative Adversarial Network.
Diya Sun
Yuru Pei
Yungeng Zhang
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Correspondence-Steered Volumetric Descriptor Learning Using Deep Functional Maps.
Diya Sun
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images Using Oblique Clustering Forest.
Haifang Qin
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Masseter Segmentation from Computed Tomography Using Feature-Enhanced Nested Residual Neural Network.
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Consistent Correspondence of Cone-Beam CT Images Using Volume Functional Maps.
Yuke Guo
Yuru Pei
Incremental Feature Forest for Real-Time SLAM on Mobile Devices.
PRCV (1)
Yungeng Zhang
Yuru Pei
Haifang Qin
Yuke Guo
Gengyu Ma
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Temporal Consistent 2D-3D Registration of Lateral Cephalograms and Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images.
Yuru Pei
Yunai Yi
Gengyu Ma
Tae-Kyun Kim
Yuke Guo
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Spatially Consistent Supervoxel Correspondences of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
37 (10) (2018)
Yuru Pei
Gengyu Ma
Gui Chen
Xiaoyun Zhang
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Superimposition of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images by Joint Embedding.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
64 (6) (2017)
Yuru Pei
Yunai Yi
Gengyu Ma
Yuke Guo
Gui Chen
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Mixed Metric Random Forest for Dense Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images.
Yuru Pei
Yunai Yi
Gengyu Ma
Yuke Guo
Gui Chen
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Finding Dense Supervoxel Correspondence of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images.
Yuru Pei
Yunai Yi
Gui Chen
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Gengyu Ma
Voxel-wise correspondence of cone-beam computed tomography images by cascaded randomized forest.
Yuru Pei
Haifang Qin
Gengyu Ma
Yuke Guo
Gui Chen
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Multi-scale Volumetric ConvNet with Nested Residual Connections for Segmentation of Anterior Cranial Base.
Yuru Pei
Yungeng Zhang
Haifang Qin
Gengyu Ma
Yuke Guo
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Non-rigid Craniofacial 2D-3D Registration Using CNN-Based Regression.
Yuru Pei
Gengyu Ma
Fast 3D hand estimation for mobile interactions.
Yuru Pei
Fanfan Dai
Tianmin Xu
Hongbin Zha
Gengyu Ma
Volumetric reconstruction of craniofacial structures from 2D lateral cephalograms by regression forest.
Yuru Pei
Lei Kou
Hongbin Zha
Anatomical structure similarity estimation by random forest.
Weiwei Liu
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Multi-modal Brain Image Registration Based on Subset Definition and Manifold-to-Manifold Distance.
ICIG (2)
Wai Lam Hoo
Tae-Kyun Kim
Yuru Pei
Chee Seng Chan
Enhanced Random Forest with Image/Patch-Level Learning for Image Understanding.
Wai Lam Hoo
Tae-Kyun Kim
Yuru Pei
Chee Seng Chan
Enhanced Random Forest with Image/Patch-Level Learning for Image Understanding.
Yuru Pei
Tae-Kyun Kim
Hongbin Zha
Unsupervised Random Forest Manifold Alignment for Lipreading.
Yuru Pei
Bin Liu
Hongbin Zha
Bing Han
Tianmin Xu
Anatomical Structure Sketcher for Cephalograms by Bimodal Deep Learning.
Yuru Pei
Fuhao Shi
Hua Chen
Jia Wei
Hongbin Zha
Ruoping Jiang
Tianmin Xu
Personalized Tooth Shape Estimation From Radiograph and Cast.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
59 (9) (2012)
Anjun Wei
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Random-sampling-based spatial-temporal feature for consumer video concept classification.
Yuru Pei
Fengchun Huang
Fuhao Shi
Hongbin Zha
Unsupervised Image Matching Based on Manifold Alignment.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell.
34 (8) (2012)
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
3D facial expression editing based on the dynamic graph model.
Fuhao Shi
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Interactive modeling of 3D facial expressions with hierarchical Gaussian process latent variable models.
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Visyllable-specific facial transition motion embedding and extraction.
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Zhongbiao Yuan
Facial feature estimation from the local structural diversity of skulls.
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Zhongbiao Yuan
The Craniofacial Reconstruction from the Local Structural Diversity of Skulls.
Comput. Graph. Forum
27 (7) (2008)
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Zhongbiao Yuan
Creating a face model from an unknown skull based on the tissue map.
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Transferring of Speech Movements from Video to 3D Face Space.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
13 (1) (2007)
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Stylized synthesis of facial speech motions.
Comput. Animat. Virtual Worlds
18 (4-5) (2007)
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Vision Based Speech Animation Transferring with Underlying Anatomical Structure.
ACCV (1)
Yuru Pei
Hongbin Zha
Zhongbiao Yuan
Tissue map based craniofacial reconstruction and facial deformation using RBF network.