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Yoojung Kim
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2023
Publications (10 Years): 17
Top Topics
Clinical Information
Pilot Study
Social Networking
Personal Health
Top Venues
CHI Extended Abstracts
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
Kung Jin Lee
Yoojung Kim
Wendy Roldan
Jin Ha Lee
Jason C. Yip
Caring for the community: An academically based community service course in LIS.
J. Libr. Inf. Sci.
55 (1) (2023)
Yiran Zhao
Yoojung Kim
Calvin R. Apodaca
Regina Casanova-Perez
Shefali Haldar
Sonali R. Mishra
Julia C. Dunbar
Ari H. Pollack
Wanda Pratt
Supporting Goal-Based Collaboration for Hospitalized Children.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
5 (CSCW1) (2021)
Shefali Haldar
Sonali R. Mishra
Yoojung Kim
Andrea L. Hartzler
Ari H. Pollack
Wanda Pratt
Use and impact of an online community for hospital patients.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
27 (4) (2020)
Yoojung Kim
Arpita Bhattacharya
Julie A. Kientz
Jin Ha Lee
"It Should Be a Game for Fun, Not Exercise": Tensions in Designing Health-Related Features for Pokémon GO.
Minjoon Kim
Yoojung Kim
Joongseek Lee
Utilizing Response Time to Find In-between Ratings within Likes and Dislikes.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Shefali Haldar
Yoojung Kim
Sonali R. Mishra
Andrea L. Hartzler
Ari H. Pollack
Wanda Pratt
The Patient Advice System: A Technology Probe Study to Enable Peer Support in the Hospital.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
4 (CSCW2) (2020)
Yoojung Kim
Hee-Tae Jung
Joonwoo Park
Yangsoo Kim
Nathan Ramasarma
Paolo Bonato
Eun Kyoung Choe
Sunghoon Ivan Lee
Towards the Design of a Ring Sensor-based mHealth System to Achieve Optimal Motor Function in Stroke Survivors.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
3 (4) (2019)
Yoojung Kim
Bongshin Lee
Eun Kyoung Choe
Investigating data accessibility of personal health apps.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
26 (5) (2019)
Shefali Haldar
Yoojung Kim
Ari H. Pollack
Wanda Pratt
Design and Use of an Inpatient Peer Support Technology Probe.
Junhan Kim
Yoojung Kim
Byungjoon Kim
Sukyung Yun
Minjoon Kim
Joongseek Lee
Can a Machine Tend to Teenagers' Emotional Needs?: A Study with Conversational Agents.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jeong-Whun Kim
Borim Ryu
Seoyoon Cho
Eunyoung Heo
Se Jung Young
Yoojung Kim
Joongseek Lee
Sooyoung Yoo
MyHealthKeeper: Mobile based 3-arm Randomized Controlled Trial in Obstructive Sleep Apnea based for Personal Health Management.
Changhoon Oh
Taeyoung Lee
Yoojung Kim
SoHyun Park
Sae bom Kwon
Bongwon Suh
Us vs. Them: Understanding Artificial Intelligence Technophobia over the Google DeepMind Challenge Match.
Yoojung Kim
Eunyoung Heo
Hyunjeong Lee
Sookyoung Ji
Jueun Choi
Jeong-Whun Kim
Joongseek Lee
Sooyoung Yoo
Prescribing 10, 000 Steps Like Aspirin: Designing a Novel Interface for Data-Driven Medical Consultations.
Borim Ryu
Nari Kim
Eunyoung Heo
Sooyoung Yoo
Seyoung Jung
Yoojung Kim
Joongsik Lee
Jeong-Whun Kim
MyHealthKeeper: Clinical Trial of Personal Health Record-Based Healthcare Management.
Yoojung Kim
Sookyoung Ji
Hyunjeong Lee
Jeong-Whun Kim
Sooyoung Yoo
Joongseek Lee
"My Doctor is Keeping an Eye on Me!": Exploring the Clinical Applicability of a Mobile Food Logger.
Borim Ryu
Sooyoung Yoo
Eun-Young Heo
Sookyoung Ji
Yoojung Kim
Joongsik Lee
Jeong-Whun Kim
MyHealthKeeper: A Pilot study for personal health record based healthcare management.
Changhoon Oh
Taeyoung Lee
Yoojung Kim
SoHyun Park
Bongwon Suh
Understanding Participatory Hashtag Practices on Instagram: A Case Study of Weekend Hashtag Project.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Yoojung Kim
Changhoon Oh
Taeyoung Lee
Donghun Lee
Joongseek Lee
Bongwon Suh
Travel Q: Questifying Micro Activities Using Travel Photos to Enhance Travel Experience.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Hyunjin Ahn
Yoojung Kim
Bongwon Suh
Use octopus launcher like your hands: joystick-based smartphone control solution for motor impaired people in electric wheelchairs.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Yoojung Kim
Wei-Na Lee
Networking for Philanthropy: Increasing Volunteer Behavior via Social Networking Sites.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
17 (3) (2014)
Yoojung Kim
Dongyoung Sohn
Sejung Marina Choi
Cultural difference in motivations for using social network sites: A comparative study of American and Korean college students.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
27 (1) (2011)
Byungchul Park
Eui-nam Huh
Hyunseung Choo
Yoojung Kim
TCP Performance Enhancement Based on Virtual Receive Buffer with PID Control Mechanism.
OTM Workshops
Yoojung Kim
Jongsoo Yoon
Seungbong Park
Jaemin Han
Architecture for Implementing the Mobile Government Services in Korea.
ER (Workshops)