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Yoann Corre
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2024
Publications (10 Years): 24
Top Topics
Simulation Tools
Ray Tracing
Mimo Systems
Smart City
Top Venues
VTC Fall
Gurjot Singh Bhatia
Yoann Corre
Linus Thrybom
Marco Di Renzo
Analysis of 3GPP and Ray-Tracing Based Channel Model for 5G Industrial Network Planning.
Gurjot Singh Bhatia
Yoann Corre
Marco Di Renzo
Tuning of Ray-Based Channel Model for 5G Indoor Industrial Scenarios.
Gurjot Singh Bhatia
Yoann Corre
M. Di Renzo
Efficient Ray-Tracing Channel Emulation in Industrial Environments: An Analysis of Propagation Model Impact.
Gurjot Singh Bhatia
Yoann Corre
M. Di Renzo
Efficient Ray-Tracing Channel Emulation in Industrial Environments: An Analysis of Propagation Model Impact.
EuCNC/6G Summit
Gurjot Singh Bhatia
Yoann Corre
Marco Di Renzo
Tuning of Ray-Based Channel Model for 5G Indoor Industrial Scenarios.
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yoann Corre
Simulated Propagation Properties for Future Outdoor sub-THz Networks.
Simon Bicaïs
Jean-Baptiste Doré
Gregory Gougeon
Yoann Corre
Optimized Single Carrier Transceiver for Future Sub-TeraHertz Applications.
Jean-Baptiste Doré
Didier Belot
Eric Mercier
Simon Bicaïs
Grégory Gougeon
Yoann Corre
Benoit Miscopein
Dimitri Kténas
Emilio Calvanese Strinati
Technology Roadmap for Beyond 5G Wireless Connectivity in D-band.
Romain Charbonnier
Chiehping Lai
Thierry Tenoux
Derek Caudill
Grégory Gougeon
Jelena Senic
Camillo Gentile
Yoann Corre
Jack Chuang
Nada Golmie
Calibration of Ray-Tracing With Diffuse Scattering Against 28-GHz Directional Urban Channel Measurements.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
69 (12) (2020)
Ahmed Raafat
Merve Sefunç
Adrian Agustin
Josep Vidal
Eduard A. Jorswieck
Yoann Corre
Energy Efficient Transmit-Receive Hybrid Spatial Modulation for Large-Scale MIMO Systems.
IEEE Trans. Commun.
68 (3) (2020)
Gregory Gougeon
Yoann Corre
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Ray-based Deterministic Channel Modelling for sub-THz Band.
PIMRC Workshops
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yoann Corre
Emil Björnson
Erik G. Larsson
Performance of a dense urban massive MIMO network from a simulated ray-based channel.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2019 (2019)
Jean-Baptiste Dore
Yoann Corre
Simon Bicais
Jacques Palicot
Emmanuel Faussurier
Dimitri Ktenas
Faouzi Bader
Above-90GHz Spectrum and Single-Carrier Waveform as Enablers for Efficient Tbit/s Wireless Communications.
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yoann Corre
Emil Björnson
Erik G. Larsson
Large-scale Massive MIMO Network Evaluation Using Ray-based Deterministic Simulations.
Ahmed Raafat
Merve Yüzgeçcioglu
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Adrian Agustin
Josep Vidal
Eduard A. Jorswieck
Yoann Corre
Energy Efficient Transmit-Receive Spatial Modulation for Uplink-Downlink Large-Scale MIMO Systems.
GLOBECOM Workshops
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yoann Corre
Emil Björnson
Yves Lostanlen
Massive MIMO Channel Performance Analysis Considering Separation of Simultaneous Users.
Ali Yassin
Youssef Nasser
Yoann Corre
Gregory Gougeon
Yves Lostanlen
3D Localization and Mapping using mm-Wave: What are the Opportunities in Vehicular and Indoor Environments?
Florian Letourneux
Thierry Tenoux
Laurent Maviel
Iyad Al Falujah
Keith Butterworth
Mark Newbury
Julien Stephan
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Matthijs Visser
Dual-Polarized Channel Measurement and Modeling in Urban Macro- and Small-Cells at 2 GHz.
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Effect of Human Crowd Obstruction on the Performance of an Urban Small-Cell Millimeter-Wave Access Network.
VTC Fall
Yoann Corre
Romain Charbonnier
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yves Lostanlen
Assessing the Performance of a 60-GHz Dense Small-Cell Network Deployment from Ray-Based Simulations.
Laurent Maviel
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Simulation tools for the design of mesh backhaul and small-cell networks in millimeter-wave band.
Yoann Corre
Romain Charbonnier
Mohammed Zahid Aslam
Yves Lostanlen
Assessing the performance of a 60-GHz dense small-cell network deployment from ray-based simulations.
Florian Letourneux
Yves Lostanlen
Yoann Corre
3D simulation software platform for 5G channel modeling and analysis: IEEE CAMAD demonstration session.
Mathieu Brau
Julien Stephan
Luis Díez
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Ramón Agüero
Assessing the WiFi offloading benefit on both service performance and EMF exposure in urban areas.
Wireless Days
Luis Díez
Yoann Corre
Benoit Radier
Mathieu Brau
Ramón Agüero
Complementing radio-planning tools to analyze EMF-aware access selection.
Youssef Jaffal
Youssef Nasser
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
K-best branch and bound technique for the MINLP resource allocation in multi-user OFDM systems.
Luis Díez
Laura Rodríguez de Lope
Ramón Agüero
Yoann Corre
Julien Stephan
Mathieu Brau
Sam Aerts
Günter Vermeeren
Luc Martens
Wout Joseph
Optimal dosimeter deployment into a smart city IoT platform for wideband EMF exposure assessment.
Julien Stephan
Mathieu Brau
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
On the Effect of Realistic Traffic Demand Rise on LTE-A HetNet Performance.
VTC Fall
Mathieu Brau
Yoann Corre
Florian Letourneux
Guillaume Vivier
Yves Lostanlen
Combining PHY experimental results and advanced network planning tool for accurate coverage estimation.
Emanuel Staudinger
Julien Stephan
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Impact of human crowd activity on indoor wireless channels - Assessment and modeling.
Florian Letourneux
Yoann Corre
Erwan Suteau
Yves Lostanlen
3D Performance analysis of a heterogeneous LTE network with indoor small-cells in a real urban environment.
Mohamed Laaraiedh
Bernard Uguen
Julien Stephan
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Marios Raspopoulos
Stavros Stavrou
Ray tracing-based radio propagation modeling for indoor localization purposes.
Florian Letourneux
Yoann Corre
Erwan Suteau
Yves Lostanlen
3D coverage analysis of LTE urban heterogeneous networks with dense femtocell deployments.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2012 (2012)
Mathieu Brau
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Assessment of 3D network coverage performance from dense small-cell LTE.
Yoann Corre
Mathieu Brau
Yves Lostanlen
Femtocell wireless time-variant stochastic channel modelling related to indoor human activity.
Yoann Corre
Julien Stephan
Yves Lostanlen
Indoor-to-outdoor path-loss models for femtocell predictions.
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Three-Dimensional Urban EM Wave Propagation Model for Radio Network Planning and Optimization Over Large Areas.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
58 (7) (2009)
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Characterization of the wideband wireless channel in the context of DVB systems.
Yves Lostanlen
Yoann Corre
Multienvironment radio predictions involving an in-building WLAN network and outdoor UMTS base stations.
Yves Lostanlen
Yoann Corre
Yves Louët
Yann Le Helloco
Sylvain Collonge
Ghaïs El Zein
Comparison of measurements and simulations in indoor environments for wireless local networks at 60 GHz.
VTC Spring
Yoann Corre
Yves Lostanlen
Yann Le Helloco
A new approach for radio propagation modeling in urban environment: knife-edge diffraction combined with 2D ray-tracing.
VTC Spring