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Yifei Pu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Neural Network
Mixture Modeling
Image Restoration
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Image Process.
Knowl. Based Syst.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
IEEE Trans. Cybern.
Ruixiao Huang
Xiaofeng Fu
Yifei Pu
A Novel Fractional Accumulative Grey Model with GA-PSO Optimizer and Its Application.
23 (2) (2023)
Zerui Shao
Yifei Pu
Jiliu Zhou
Bihan Wen
Yi Zhang
Hyper RPCA: Joint Maximum Correntropy Criterion and Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling on-the-Fly for Moving Object Detection.
IEEE Trans. Multim.
25 (2023)
Wen Pan
Weihua Zhang
Yifei Pu
Fractional-order multiscale attention feature pyramid network for time series classification.
Appl. Intell.
53 (7) (2023)
Bo Zhan
Luping Zhou
Zhiang Li
Xi Wu
Yifei Pu
Jiliu Zhou
Yan Wang
Dinggang Shen
D2FE-GAN: Decoupled dual feature extraction based GAN for MRI image synthesis.
Knowl. Based Syst.
252 (2022)
Jiaming Yang
Weihua Zhang
Yifei Pu
Progressive Image Restoration with Multi-stage Optimization.
Lu Zhang
Yifei Pu
Cheng Xu
Du Liu
Zeyi Lin
Xiaofeng Hou
Pu Yang
Shang Yue
Chao Li
Minyi Guo
Cloud-Native Server Consolidation for Energy-Efficient FaaS Deployment.
Jian Wang
Huaqing Zhang
Junze Wang
Yifei Pu
Nikhil R. Pal
Feature Selection Using a Neural Network With Group Lasso Regularization and Controlled Redundancy.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks Learn. Syst.
32 (3) (2021)
Yifei Pu
Bo Yu
Qiu-Yan He
Xiao Yuan
Fractional-order memristive neural synaptic weighting achieved by pulse-based fracmemristor bridge circuit.
Frontiers Inf. Technol. Electron. Eng.
22 (6) (2021)
Chao Ren
Xiaohai He
Yifei Pu
Truong Q. Nguyen
Learning Image Profile Enhancement and Denoising Statistics Priors for Single-Image Super-Resolution.
IEEE Trans. Cybern.
51 (7) (2021)
Chao Ren
Xiaohai He
Linbo Qing
Yuanyuan Wu
Yifei Pu
Remote sensing image recovery via enhanced residual learning and dual-luminance scheme.
Knowl. Based Syst.
222 (2021)
Yifei Pu
Bo Yu
A large dynamic range floating memristor emulator with equal port current restriction.
IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica
7 (1) (2020)
Zerui Shao
Yifei Pu
Jiliu Zhou
Bihan Wen
Yi Zhang
Hyper RPCA: Joint Maximum Correntropy Criterion and Laplacian Scale Mixture Modeling On-the-Fly for Moving Object Detection.
Chao Ren
Xiaohai He
Yifei Pu
Truong Q. Nguyen
Enhanced Non-Local Total Variation Model and Multi-Directional Feature Prediction Prior for Single Image Super Resolution.
IEEE Trans. Image Process.
28 (8) (2019)
Xiaoling Gong
Ziheng Rong
Tao Gao
Yifei Pu
Jian Wang
An Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm Based on Fractional Order Memory for Traveling Salesman Problems.
Chao Ren
Xiaohai He
Yifei Pu
Nonlocal Similarity Modeling and Deep CNN Gradient Prior for Super Resolution.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
25 (7) (2018)
Chunhui Bao
Yifei Pu
Yi Zhang
Fractional-Order Deep Backpropagation Neural Network.
Comput. Intell. Neurosci.
2018 (2018)
Yiguang Liu
Yinjie Lei
Chunguang Li
Wenzheng Xu
Yifei Pu
A Random Algorithm for Low-Rank Decomposition of Large-Scale Matrices With Missing Entries.
IEEE Trans. Image Process.
24 (11) (2015)
Yifei Pu
Patrick Siarry
Jiliu Zhou
Yiguang Liu
Ni Zhang
Guo Huang
Yizhi Liu
Fractional partial differential equation denoising models for texture image.
Sci. China Inf. Sci.
57 (7) (2014)
Yan Wang
Wenzao Li
Jiliu Zhou
Xiaohua Li
Yifei Pu
Identification of the normal and abnormal heart sounds using wavelet-time entropy features based on OMS-WPD.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
37 (2014)
Yiguang Liu
Liping Cao
Chunling Liu
Yifei Pu
Hong Cheng
Recovering shape and motion by a dynamic system for low-rank matrix approximation in L 1 norm.
Vis. Comput.
29 (5) (2013)
Yiguang Liu
Bingbing Liu
Yifei Pu
Xiaohui Chen
Hong Cheng
-norm by dynamic systems.
Image Vis. Comput.
30 (11) (2012)
Liang Yu
Gang Zhou
Yifei Pu
An Improved Task Scheduling Algorithm in Grid Computing Environment.
Int. J. Commun. Netw. Syst. Sci.
4 (4) (2011)