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Yi Ouyang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2024
Publications (10 Years): 45
Top Topics
Reinforcement Learning
Finite Horizon
Linear Systems
Markov Decision Processes
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
Berk Bozkurt
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
Model approximation in MDPs with unbounded per-step cost.
Yi Ouyang
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Demosthenis Teneketzis
An Approach to Stochastic Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information and Hidden Actions.
Berk Bozkurt
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
Weighted-Norm Bounds on Model Approximation in MDPs with Unbounded Per-Step Cost.
Sagar Sudhakara
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
Scalable Regret for Learning to Control Network-Coupled Subsystems With Unknown Dynamics.
IEEE Trans. Control. Netw. Syst.
10 (1) (2023)
Mukul Gagrani
Sagar Sudhakara
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
A modified Thompson sampling-based learning algorithm for unknown linear systems.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
Signaling for decentralized routing in a queueing network.
Ann. Oper. Res.
317 (2) (2022)
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A Unified Approach to Dynamic Decision Problems With Asymmetric Information: Nonstrategic Agents.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
67 (3) (2022)
Yi Ouyang
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal Infinite Horizon Decentralized Networked Controllers With Unreliable Communication.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
66 (4) (2021)
Sagar Sudhakara
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
Scalable regret for learning to control network-coupled subsystems with unknown dynamics.
Mukul Gagrani
Sagar Sudhakara
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
A relaxed technical assumption for posterior sampling-based reinforcement learning for control of unknown linear systems.
Huidong Gao
Yi Ouyang
Masayoshi Tomizuka
Online Learning in Planar Pushing with Combined Prediction Model.
Mukul Gagrani
Yi Ouyang
Mohammad Rasouli
Ashutosh Nayyar
Worst-Case Guarantees for Remote Estimation of an Uncertain Source.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
66 (4) (2021)
Mukul Gagrani
Sagar Sudhakara
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
Thompson sampling for linear quadratic mean-field teams.
Mukul Gagrani
Sagar Sudhakara
Aditya Mahajan
Ashutosh Nayyar
Yi Ouyang
Thompson sampling for linear quadratic mean-field teams.
Yi Ouyang
Mukul Gagrani
Rahul Jain
Posterior Sampling-Based Reinforcement Learning for Control of Unknown Linear Systems.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
65 (8) (2020)
Yi Ouyang
Richard Y. Zhang
Javad Lavaei
Pravin Varaiya
Large-Scale Traffic Signal Offset Optimization.
IEEE Trans. Control. Netw. Syst.
7 (3) (2020)
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Regret Bounds for Decentralized Learning in Cooperative Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Regret Bounds for Decentralized Learning in Cooperative Multi-Agent Dynamical Systems.
Yi Ouyang
Richard Y. Zhang
Javad Lavaei
Pravin Varaiya
Large-Scale Traffic Signal Offset Optimization.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal Local and Remote Controllers With Unreliable Uplink Channels.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
64 (5) (2019)
Mukul Gagrani
Yi Ouyang
Mohammad Rasouli
Ashutosh Nayyar
Worst-case Guarantees for Remote Estimation of an Uncertain Source.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Amir Salman Avestimehr
An Approximation Algorithm for Optimal Clique Cover Delivery in Coded Caching.
IEEE Trans. Commun.
67 (7) (2019)
Huidong Gao
Yi Ouyang
Masayoshi Tomizuka
Online Learning in Planar Pushing with Combined Prediction Model.
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A Sufficient Information Approach to Decentralized Decision Making.
Cédric Josz
Yi Ouyang
Richard Y. Zhang
Javad Lavaei
Somayeh Sojoudi
A theory on the absence of spurious solutions for nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Decentralized Control of Stochastically Switched Linear System with Unreliable Communication.
Yi Ouyang
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal local and remote controllers with unreliable communication: the infinite horizon case.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Decentralized Control of Stochastically Switched Linear System with Unreliable Communication.
Yi Ouyang
Richard Y. Zhang
Javad Lavaei
Pravin Varaiya
Conic Approximation with Provable Guarantee for Traffic Signal Offset Optimization.
Yi Ouyang
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal Infinite Horizon Decentralized Networked Controllers with Unreliable Communication.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Amir Salman Avestimehr
Optimal Coded Multicast in Cache Networks with Arbitrary Content Placement.
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A Unified Approach to Dynamic Decision Problems with Asymmetric Information - Part II: Strategic Agents.
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A Unified Approach to Dynamic Decision Problems with Asymmetric Information - Part I: Non-Strategic Agents.
Yi Ouyang
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Ashutosh Nayyar
Stochastic teams with randomized information structures.
Yi Ouyang
Mukul Gagrani
Ashutosh Nayyar
Rahul Jain
Learning Unknown Markov Decision Processes: A Thompson Sampling Approach.
Yi Ouyang
Mukul Gagrani
Ashutosh Nayyar
Rahul Jain
Learning Unknown Markov Decision Processes: A Thompson Sampling Approach.
Yi Ouyang
Mukul Gagrani
Rahul Jain
Control of unknown linear systems with Thompson sampling.
Yi Ouyang
Mukul Gagrani
Rahul Jain
Learning-based Control of Unknown Linear Systems with Thompson Sampling.
Yi Ouyang
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Demosthenis Teneketzis
Dynamic Games With Asymmetric Information: Common Information Based Perfect Bayesian Equilibria and Sequential Decomposition.
IEEE Trans. Autom. Control.
62 (1) (2017)
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Amir Salman Avestimehr
Optimal Coded Multicast in Cache Networks with Arbitrary Content Placement.
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Yi Ouyang
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal Local and Remote Controllers with Unreliable Uplink Channels.
Yi Ouyang
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal local and remote controllers with unreliable communication.
Yi Ouyang
Seyed Mohammad Asghari
Ashutosh Nayyar
Optimal Local and Remote Controllers with Unreliable Communication.
Yi Ouyang
Rahul Jain
Pravin Varaiya
On the existence of near-optimal fixed time control of traffic intersection signals.
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
On stochastic dynamic games with delayed sharing information structure.
Yang Liu
Yi Ouyang
Mingyan Liu
Optimal Relay Selection with Non-negligible Probing Time.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A Common Information-Based Multiple Access Protocol Achieving Full Throughput and Linear Delay.
Yi Ouyang
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Demosthenis Teneketzis
Dynamic Games with Asymmetric Information: Common Information Based Perfect Bayesian Equilibria and Sequential Decomposition.
Yang Liu
Yi Ouyang
Mingyan Liu
Optimal relay selection with non-negligible probing time.
Yi Ouyang
Hamidreza Tavafoghi
Demosthenis Teneketzis
Dynamic oligopoly games with private Markovian dynamics.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A common information-based multiple access protocol achieving full throughput.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
On the Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-State Channels.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory
60 (1) (2014)
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
Balancing through signaling in decentralized routing.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
Signaling for Decentralized Routing in a Queueing Network.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
On The Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-State Channels
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
A routing problem in a simple queueing system with non-classical information structure.
Yi Ouyang
Demosthenis Teneketzis
On the optimality of a myopic policy in multi-state channel probing.
Allerton Conference