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W. Einar Mencl
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2016
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Event Related Potentials
Brain Activity
Target Language
Language Processing
Top Venues
Caicai Zhang
Kenneth R. Pugh
W. Einar Mencl
Peter J. Molfese
Stephen J. Frost
James S. Magnuson
Gang Peng
William S.-Y. Wang
Functionally integrated neural processing of linguistic and talker information: An event-related fMRI and ERP study.
124 (2016)
Joshua John Diehl
Stephen J. Frost
Gordon Sherman
W. Einar Mencl
Anish Kurian
Peter J. Molfese
Nicole Landi
Jonathan Preston
Anja Soldan
Robert K. Fulbright
Jay G. Rueckl
Mark S. Seidenberg
Fumiko Hoeft
Kenneth R. Pugh
Neural correlates of language and non-language visuospatial processing in adolescents with reading disability.
101 (2014)
Kenneth R. Pugh
Stephen J. Frost
Rebecca Sandak
Nicole Landi
Jay G. Rueckl
R. Todd Constable
Mark S. Seidenberg
Robert K. Fulbright
Leonard Katz
W. Einar Mencl
Effects of Stimulus Difficulty and Repetition on Printed Word Identification: An fMRI Comparison of Nonimpaired and Reading-disabled Adolescent Cohorts.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
20 (7) (2008)
R. Todd Constable
Kenneth R. Pugh
Ella Berroya
W. Einar Mencl
Michael Westerveld
Weijia Ni
Donald Shankweiler
Sentence complexity and input modality effects in sentence comprehension: an fMRI study.
22 (1) (2004)