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Nicole Landi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Cortical Surface
Correlation Coefficient
Subject Specific
Reading Comprehension
Top Venues
Lang. Linguistics Compass
David C. Jangraw
Emily S. Finn
Peter A. Bandettini
Nicole Landi
Haorui Sun
Fumiko Hoeft
Gang Chen
Kenneth R. Pugh
Peter J. Molfese
Inter-subject correlation during long narratives reveals widespread neural correlates of reading ability.
282 (2023)
Nabin Koirala
Meaghan V. Perdue
Xing Su
Elena L. Grigorenko
Nicole Landi
Neurite density and arborization is associated with reading skill and phonological processing in children.
241 (2021)
Nicole Landi
Meaghan V. Perdue
Neuroimaging genetics studies of specific reading disability and developmental language disorder: A review.
Lang. Linguistics Compass
13 (9) (2019)
Nicole Landi
Kayleigh Ryherd
Understanding specific reading comprehension deficit: A review.
Lang. Linguistics Compass
11 (2) (2017)
Joshua John Diehl
Stephen J. Frost
Gordon Sherman
W. Einar Mencl
Anish Kurian
Peter J. Molfese
Nicole Landi
Jonathan Preston
Anja Soldan
Robert K. Fulbright
Jay G. Rueckl
Mark S. Seidenberg
Fumiko Hoeft
Kenneth R. Pugh
Neural correlates of language and non-language visuospatial processing in adolescents with reading disability.
101 (2014)
Kenneth R. Pugh
Stephen J. Frost
Rebecca Sandak
Nicole Landi
Jay G. Rueckl
R. Todd Constable
Mark S. Seidenberg
Robert K. Fulbright
Leonard Katz
W. Einar Mencl
Effects of Stimulus Difficulty and Repetition on Printed Word Identification: An fMRI Comparison of Nonimpaired and Reading-disabled Adolescent Cohorts.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
20 (7) (2008)