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Thècle Alix
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2021
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Manufacturing Process
Petri Net
Service Systems
Conceptual Model
Top Venues
APMS (2)
SpringSim (TMS-DEVS)
APMS (3)
Thècle Alix
Gregory Zacharewicz
Smart Product Service System: Process Value Model in the Framework 3DCE.
Youssef Benama
Thècle Alix
Nicolas Perry
Supporting Make or Buy Decision for Reconfigurable Manufacturing System, in Multi-site Context.
APMS (1)
Thècle Alix
Gregory Zacharewicz
Bruno Vallespir
Service Systems Modeling and Simulation: The Sergent Distributed Approach.
Thècle Alix
Youssef Benama
Nicolas Perry
Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Design - The Case of Mobile Manufacturing System.
APMS (3)
Thècle Alix
Bruno Vallespir
Service Delivery Process Based on Service Composition Mechanisms.
Thècle Alix
Gregory Zacharewicz
G-DEVS based simulation of toy industry client behavior in PSS (WIP).
SpringSim (TMS-DEVS)
Wael Touzi
Thècle Alix
Bruno Vallespir
Contribution to the Development of a Conceptual Model of Service and Service Delivery.
APMS (2)
Thècle Alix
Gregory Zacharewicz
Product-Service Systems Modelling and Simulation as a Strategic Diagnosis Tool.
APMS (2)
Thècle Alix
Gregory Zacharewicz
Product-service systems scenarios simulation based on G-DEVS/HLA: Generalized discrete event specification/high level architecture.
Comput. Ind.
63 (4) (2012)
Yves Ducq
David Chen
Thècle Alix
Principles of Servitization and Definition of an Architecture for Model Driven Service System Engineering.
Thècle Alix
David Reymond
A Cross Disciplinary Approach to Analyze the Effects of Digitalized Service Implementation.
Frederic Pereyrol
Rémy Dupas
Thècle Alix
Jean-Paul Bourrières
A multi-level technical data model for production planning.
Int. J. Math. Oper. Res.
2 (5) (2010)
Thècle Alix
Bruno Vallespir
A Framework for Product-Service Design for Manufacturing Firms.
Gregory Zacharewicz
Thècle Alix
Bruno Vallespir
Services Modeling and Distributed Simulation DEVS / HLA Supported.
Mounir Badja
Wael Touzi
Thècle Alix
Contribution to the Definition and Modeling of Service and Service Activities.
Thècle Alix
Bruno Vallespir
Gathering Production Processes of Services and Goods: Towards the Mixed Enterprise.
Thècle Alix
Marc Zolghadri
Jean-Paul Bourrières
A decision support system for production and procurement planning of enterprises X-networks.
SMC (5)