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Simon Kamm
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2023
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Production System
Condition Monitoring
Transfer Learning
Pavement Distress
Top Venues
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf.
Timo Müller
Simon Kamm
Andreas Löcklin
Dustin White
Marius Mellinger
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
Architecture and knowledge modelling for self-organized reconfiguration management of cyber-physical production systems.
Int. J. Comput. Integr. Manuf.
36 (12) (2023)
Johannes Stümpfle
Nada Sahlab
Simon Kamm
Philipp Grimmeisen
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
InteLiv: An Architecture for Graph-Based Dynamic Context Modeling for Smart Living.
Simon Kamm
Paveen Rajai Suthandhira
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
A Novel Architecture for Robust and Adaptive Machine Learning Using Heterogeneous Data in Condition Monitoring of Automation Systems.
Simon Kamm
Sushma Sri Veekati
Timo Müller
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
A survey on machine learning based analysis of heterogeneous data in industrial automation.
Comput. Ind.
149 (2023)
Simon Kamm
Sandra Bickelhaupt
Kanuj Sharma
Nasser Jazdi
Ingmar Kallfass
Michael Weyrich
Simulation-to-Reality based Transfer Learning for the Failure Analysis of SiC Power Transistors.
Timo Müller
Nada Sahlab
Simon Kamm
Christian Köhler
Dominik Braun
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
Context-enriched modeling using Knowledge Graphs for intelligent Digital Twins of Production Systems.
Kanuj Sharma
Simon Kamm
Valentyna Afanasenko
Kevin Muñoz Barón
Ingmar Kallfass
Non-Destructive Failure Analysis of Power Devices via Time- Domain Reflectometry.
Benjamin Maschler
Simon Kamm
Michael Weyrich
Deep industrial transfer learning at runtime for image recognition.
69 (3) (2021)
Simon Kamm
Kanuj Sharma
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
A Hybrid Modelling Approach for Parameter Estimation of Analytical Reflection Models in the Failure Analysis Process of Semiconductors.
Nada Sahlab
Simon Kamm
Timo Müller
Nasser Jazdi
Michael Weyrich
Knowledge Graphs as Enhancers of Intelligent Digital Twins.
Harald Bucher
Simon Kamm
Jürgen Becker
Cross-Layer Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of E/E-Architectures using PREEvision and Ptolemy II.
Simul. Notes Eur.
29 (2) (2019)
Harald Bucher
Jürgen Becker
Simon Kamm
Cross-layer behavioral modeling and simulation of E/E-Architectures using preevision and Ptolemy II.