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Sherif Rashad
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
American Sign Language
Activity Recognition
Machine Learning
Pedestrian Detection And Tracking
Top Venues
Softw. Impacts
Trans. Mach. Learn. Data Min.
Tyler Ward
Sherif Rashad
Heba Elgazzar
Machine Learning Based Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles.
Jon Jenkins
Sherif Rashad
LeapASL: A platform for design and implementation of real time algorithms for translation of American Sign Language using personal supervised machine learning models.
Softw. Impacts
12 (2022)
Jon Jenkins
Sherif Rashad
An Innovative Method for Automatic American Sign Language Interpretation using Machine Learning and Leap Motion Controller.
Suhana Ambol
Sherif Rashad
Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Users using Machine Learning.
Yevgeniy Byeloborodov
Sherif Rashad
Design of Machine Learning Algorithms for Behavioral Prediction of Objects for Self-Driving Cars.
Rabeet Fatmi
Sherif Rashad
Ryan Integlia
Comparing ANN, SVM, and HMM based Machine Learning Methods for American Sign Language Recognition using Wearable Motion Sensors.
S. Sareh Ahmadi
Sherif Rashad
Heba Elgazzar
Efficient Feature Selection for Intrusion Detection Systems.
S. Sareh Ahmadi
Sherif Rashad
Heba Elgazzar
Machine Learning Models for Activity Recognition and Authentication of Smartphone Users.
Jenario Johnson
Eric Williams
Michael Swindon
Kendon Ricketts
Behzad Mottahed
Sherif Rashad
Ryan Integlia
A Wearable Mobile Exergaming System for Activity Recognition and Relaxation Awareness.
Rabeet Fatmi
Sherif Rashad
Ryan Integlia
Gabriel Hutchison
American Sign Language Recognition using Hidden Markov Models and Wearable Motion Sensors.
Trans. Mach. Learn. Data Min.
10 (2) (2017)
Sherif Rashad
Joshua Bradley
SmartMobiMine: Smart mobile data mining techniques to support 4G mobile networks.
Sherif Rashad
Location Management in 4G Wireless Heterogeneous Networks using Mobile Data Mining Techniques.
Abraham George
Sherif Rashad
Anup Kumar
Mehmed M. Kantardzic
A predictive handoff scheme for multi-hop heterogeneous wireless networks.
Sherif Rashad
Mehmed M. Kantardzic
Anup Kumar
PAC-WHN: Predictive Admission Control for Wireless Heterogeneous Networks.
Sherif Rashad
Mehmed M. Kantardzic
Anup Kumar
MSP-CACRR: Multidimensional Sequential Patterns Based Call Admission Control and Resource Reservation for Next-Generation Wireless Cellular Networks.
Sherif Rashad
Mehmed M. Kantardzic
Anup Kumar
User mobility oriented predictive call admission control and resource reservation for next-generation mobile networks.
J. Parallel Distributed Comput.
66 (7) (2006)
Sherif Rashad
Mehmed M. Kantardzic
Anup Kumar
Mobile data mining for radio resource management in wireless mobile networks.
Sherif Rashad
Mehmed M. Kantardzic
Anup Kumar
A Data Mining Approach for Call Admission Control and Resource Reservation in Wireless Mobile Networks.