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Sergio Jiménez
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2023
Publications (10 Years): 15
Top Topics
Product Descriptions
Semantic Similarity
Cosine Similarity Measure
Feature Representations
Top Venues
Inf. Sci.
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz
Sergio Jiménez
Daniel Bejarano
Julio A. Bernal-Chávez
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Measuring semantic gap between user-generated content and product descriptions through compression comparison in e-commerce.
Inf. Sci.
638 (2023)
Sergio Jiménez
Fabio N. Silva
George Dueñas
Alexander F. Gelbukh
ProficiencyRank: Automatically ranking expertise in online collaborative social networks.
Inf. Sci.
588 (2022)
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz
Sergio Jiménez
Daniel Bejarano
Julio A. Bernal-Chávez
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Semantics between customers and providers: The relation between product descriptions, reviews, and customer satisfaction in E-commerce.
Jason Angel
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Sergio Jiménez
NLP-CIC @ DIACR-Ita: POS and Neighbor Based Distributional Models for Lexical Semantic Change in Diachronic Italian Corpora.
Sergio Jiménez
Youlin Avila
George Dueñas
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Automatic prediction of citability of scientific articles by stylometry of their titles and abstracts.
125 (3) (2020)
Fabio N. Silva
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
Toward the Evaluation of Written Proficiency on a Collaborative Social Network for Learning Languages: Yask.
Paul Sheridan
Mikael Onsjö
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
An Ontology-Based Recommender System with an Application to the Star Trek Television Franchise.
Future Internet
11 (9) (2019)
Sergio Jiménez
Fabio A. González
Alexander F. Gelbukh
George Dueñas
word2set: WordNet-Based Word Representation Rivaling Neural Word Embedding for Lexical Similarity and Sentiment Analysis.
IEEE Comput. Intell. Mag.
14 (2) (2019)
Sergio Jiménez
Silviu-Petru Cucerzan
Fabio A. González
Alexander F. Gelbukh
George Dueñas
BM25-CTF: Improving TF and IDF factors in BM25 by using collection term frequencies.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
34 (5) (2018)
Paul Sheridan
Mikael Onsjö
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
A Knowledge-based Filtering Story Recommender System for Theme Lovers with an Application to the Star Trek Television Franchise.
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
Johnatan Estiven Bonilla
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Dialectones: Finding Statistically Significant Dialectal Boundaries Using Twitter Data.
Computación y Sistemas
22 (4) (2018)
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
LAR-WordNet: A Machine-Translated, Pan-Hispanic and Regional WordNet for Spanish.
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Diaz
Sergio Mancera
Automatic Detection of Regional Words for Pan-Hispanic Spanish on Twitter.
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
Lorena Gaitan
Jorge Segura
RUFINO at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Cross-lingual lexical similarity by extending PMI and word embeddings systems with a Swadesh's-like list.
Sergio Jiménez
Fabio A. González
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Mathematical properties of soft cardinality: Enhancing Jaccard, Dice and cosine similarity measures with element-wise distance.
Inf. Sci.
Sergio Jiménez
Fabio A. González
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Soft Cardinality in Semantic Text Processing: Experience of the SemEval International Competitions.
51 (2015)
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
Julia Baquero
Alexander F. Gelbukh
UNAL-NLP: Combining Soft Cardinality Features for Semantic Textual Similarity, Relatedness and Entailment.
Nelly Moreno
Sergio Jiménez
Julia Baquero
Automatically Assessing Children's Writing Skills Based on Age-Supervised Datasets.
CICLing (2)
André Lynum
Partha Pakray
Björn Gambäck
Sergio Jiménez
NTNU: Measuring Semantic Similarity with Sublexical Feature Representations and Soft Cardinality.
Alejandro Riveros
Maria De-Arteaga
Fabio A. González
Sergio Jiménez
Henning Müller
MindLab-UNAL: Comparing Metamap and T-mapper for Medical Concept Extraction in SemEval 2014 Task 7.
Emilio Silva-Schlenker
Sergio Jiménez
Julia Baquero
UNAL-NLP: Cross-Lingual Phrase Sense Disambiguation with Syntactic Dependency Trees.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
SOFTCARDINALITY: Hierarchical Text Overlap for Student Response Analysis.
Maria De-Arteaga
Sergio Jiménez
George Dueñas
Sergio Mancera
Julia Baquero
Author Profiling Using Corpus Statistics, Lexicons and Stylistic Features Notebook for PAN at CLEF-2013.
CLEF (Working Notes)
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
SOFTCARDINALITY-CORE: Improving Text Overlap with Distributional Measures for Semantic Textual Similarity.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
UNAL: Discriminating between Literal and Figurative Phrasal Usage Using Distributional Statistics and POS tags.
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Sergio Jiménez
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Towards User Profile-based Interfaces for Exploration of Large Collections of Items.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
SOFTCARDINALITY: Learning to Identify Directional Cross-Lingual Entailment from Cardinalities and SMT.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Soft Cardinality + ML: Learning Adaptive Similarity Functions for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Soft Cardinality: A Parameterized Similarity Function for Text Comparison.
Sergio Jiménez
Fabio A. González
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Text Comparison Using Soft Cardinality.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Alexander F. Gelbukh
Fabio A. González
Generalized Mongue-Elkan Method for Approximate Text String Comparison.
Sergio Jiménez
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Fabio Augusto González Osorio
Knowledge-based Information Extraction Using Fuzzy String Searching and Word Sense Disambiguation for IT Product Data-sheets.
Claudia Jeanneth Becerra
Fabio Augusto González Osorio
Sergio Jiménez
3-Functions Meta-Learner Algorithm: a Mixture of Experts Technique to Improve Regression Models.
Sergio Jiménez
Fabio A. González
Un Sistema de Extracción de Información Basado en Ontologías para Documentos en el Dominio de las Tecnologías de Información.
Rev. Avances en Sistemas Informática
5 (1) (2008)