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Sara Cordes
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2022
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Cognitive Load
Spatial Structure
Primary Care
Symbolic Knowledge
Top Venues
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
J. Numer. Cogn.
Liudas Panavas
Amy E. Worth
Tarik Crnovrsanin
Tejas Sathyamurthi
Sara Cordes
Michelle A. Borkin
Cody Dunne
Juvenile Graphical Perception: A Comparison between Children and Adults.
Michelle Ann Hurst
Marisa Massaro
Sara Cordes
Fraction Magnitude: Mapping Between Symbolic and Spatial Representations of Proportion.
J. Numer. Cogn.
6 (2) (2020)
Karina Hamamouche
Maura Keefe
Kerry Jordan
Sara Cordes
Cognitive Load Affects Temporal and Numerical Judgments in Distinct Ways.
Rachel F. Eyler
Sara Cordes
Benjamin R. Szymanski
Liana Fraenkel
Use of feedback to improve mental number line representations in primary care clinics.
BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak.
18 (1) (2018)
Michelle Hurst
Sara Cordes
Labeling Common and Uncommon Fractions Across Notation and Education.
Nadia Chernyak
Beth Sandham
Paul Harris
Sara Cordes
Solving the knowledge-behavior gap: Numerical cognition explains age-related changes in fairness.
Karina Hamamouche
Michelle Hurst
Sara Cordes
The Effect of Emotion and Induced Arousal on Numerical Processing.
Michelle Hurst
Charlotta Relander
Sara Cordes
Biases and Benefits of Number Lines and Pie Charts in Proportion Representation.