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Recep Colak
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2021
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Recommendation Algorithms
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Alternative Splicing
Computationally Feasible
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Int. J. Digit. Libr.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
Ehsan Noei
Tsahi Hayat
Jessica Perrie
Recep Colak
Yanqi Hao
Shankar Vembu
Kelly A. Lyons
Sam Molyneux
A qualitative study of large-scale recommendation algorithms for biomedical knowledge bases.
Int. J. Digit. Libr.
22 (2) (2021)
Jessica Perrie
Yanqi Hao
Zack Hayat
Recep Colak
Kelly A. Lyons
Shankar Vembu
Sam Molyneux
Implementing Recommendation Algorithms in a Large-Scale Biomedical Science Knowledge Base.
Recep Colak
TaeHyung Kim
Hilal Kazan
Yoomi Oh
Miguel Cruz
Adan Valladares-Salgado
Jesus Peralta
Jorge Escobedo
Esteban J. Parra
Philip M. Kim
Anna Goldenberg
JBASE: Joint Bayesian Analysis of Subphenotypes and Epistasis.
32 (2) (2016)
Daniel K. Witvliet
Alexey Strokach
Andrés Felipe Giraldo-Forero
Joan Teyra
Recep Colak
Philip M. Kim
ELASPIC web-server: proteome-wide structure-based prediction of mutation effects on protein stability and binding affinity.
32 (10) (2016)
Recep Colak
TaeHyung Kim
Magali Michaut
Mark G. F. Sun
Manuel Irimia
Jeremy Bellay
Chad L. Myers
Benjamin J. Blencowe
Philip M. Kim
Distinct Types of Disorder in the Human Proteome: Functional Implications for Alternative Splicing.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
9 (4) (2013)
Phuong Dao
Recep Colak
Raheleh Salari
Flavia Moser
Elai Davicioni
Alexander Schönhuth
Martin Ester
Inferring cancer subnetwork markers using density-constrained biclustering.
26 (18) (2010)
Recep Colak
Fereydoun Hormozdiari
Flavia Moser
Alexander Schönhuth
J. Holman
Martin Ester
Süleyman Cenk Sahinalp
Dense Graphlet Statistics of Protein Interaction and Random Networks.
Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
Hassan Khosravi
Recep Colak
Exploratory Analysis of Co-Change Graphs for Code Refactoring.
Canadian Conference on AI
Flavia Moser
Recep Colak
Arash Rafiey
Martin Ester
Mining Cohesive Patterns from Graphs with Feature Vectors.