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Raul Gonzalez Lima
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2024
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Emission Tomography
Electrical Power
Low Frequency
Image Reconstruction
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
Annu. Rev. Control.
IFAC J. Syst. Control.
Rafael B. Santos
André L. Santos
André C. M. Cavalheiro
Rafael A. O. Ferro
Fernando Silva de Moura
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Thiago de Castro Martins
Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
Electrode module for EIT with a robust howland current source.
IFAC J. Syst. Control.
28 (2024)
Andre Vieira Pigatto
Luca Giacobbo
André Lisibach
Ely Mendes Lopes Filho
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Jennifer L. Mueller
Design and calibration of a Tonpilz transducer for low frequency medical ultrasound tomography.
Talles Batista Rattis Santos
Rafael Mikio Nakanishi
Jari P. Kaipio
Jennifer L. Mueller
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Introduction of Sample Based Prior into the D-Bar Method Through a Schur Complement Property.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
39 (12) (2020)
Renato Seiji Tavares
André Kubagawa Sato
Thiago de Castro Martins
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
GPU acceleration of absolute EIT image reconstruction using simulated annealing.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
52 (2019)
Thiago de Castro Martins
André Kubagawa Sato
Fernando Silva de Moura
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Olavo Luppi Silva
Talles Batista Rattis Santos
Zhanqi Zhao
Knut Möller
Marcelo Brito Passos Amato
Jennifer L. Mueller
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
A review of electrical impedance tomography in lung applications: Theory and algorithms for absolute images.
Annu. Rev. Control.
48 (2019)
Michelle M. Mellenthin
Jennifer L. Mueller
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Fernando Silva de Moura
Talles Batista Rattis Santos
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Sarah Jane Hamilton
Peter A. Muller
Melody Alsaker
The ACE1 Electrical Impedance Tomography System for Thoracic Imaging.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
68 (9) (2019)
Thiago de Castro Martins
Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Fernando Silva de Moura
Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
Interval Simulated Annealing applied to Electrical Impedance Tomography image reconstruction with fast objective function evaluation.
Comput. Math. Appl.
72 (5) (2016)
Michelle M. Mellenthin
Jennifer L. Mueller
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Fernando Silva de Moura
Sarah Jane Hamilton
Raul Gonzalez Lima
The ACE1 thoracic Electrical Impedance Tomography system for ventilation and perfusion.
Claudia N. L. Herrera
Miguel F. M. Vallejo
Jennifer L. Mueller
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Direct 2-D Reconstructions of Conductivity and Permittivity From EIT Data on a Human Chest.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
34 (1) (2015)
Thais H. S. Sousa
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Alessandro R. C. Martins
Caio Biasi
A. C. B. C. F. Pinto
Raul Gonzalez Lima
In vivo measurements for construction an anatomical thoracic atlas for electrical impedance tomography (EIT): Methods for EIT regularizations.
Olavo L. Silva
Thais H. S. Sousa
Isadora O. Hoffman
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Fernando Silva de Moura
Alessandro R. C. Martins
Caio Biasi
Denise T. Fantoni
Raul Gonzalez Lima
A proposal to monitor muscle contraction through the change of electrical impedance inside a muscle.
Thiago de Castro Martins
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
Image Reconstruction Using Interval Simulated Annealing in Electrical Impedance Tomography.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
59 (7) (2012)
Thiago de Castro Martins
Erick Dario León Bueno de Camargo
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Marcelo Brito Passos Amato
Marcos de Sales Guerra Tsuzuki
Electrical impedance tomography reconstruction through Simulated Annealing with incomplete evaluation of the objective function.
Fernando Silva de Moura
Julio Cesar Ceballos Aya
Agenor Toledo Fleury
Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Dynamic Imaging in Electrical Impedance Tomography of the Human Chest With Online Transition Matrix Identification.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
57 (2) (2010)
Luís Augusto Motta Mello
Cícero Ribeiro de Lima
Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Emílio Carlos Nelli Silva
Three-Dimensional Electrical Impedance Tomography: A Topology Optimization Approach.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
55 (2) (2008)
Flávio Celso Trigo
Raul Gonzalez Lima
Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
Electrical impedance tomography using the extended Kalman filter.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
51 (1) (2004)