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Ralf Kähler
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2018
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Volume Rendering
Graphics Hardware
Ray Casting
Top Venues
Visualization and Data Analysis
Astron. Comput.
Ralf Kähler
High-Quality Volume Rendering of Dark Matter Simulations.
Visualization and Data Analysis
Ralf Kähler
-body dark matter simulations using the phase-space-element method.
Astron. Comput.
20 (2017)
Ralf Kähler
Tom Abel
Single-pass GPU-raycasting for structured adaptive mesh refinement data.
Visualization and Data Analysis
Ralf Kähler
Tom Abel
Interactive stereoscopic visualization of large-scale astrophysical simulations.
Ralf Kähler
Tom Abel
Single-Pass GPU-Raycasting for Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data
Ralf Kähler
Oliver Hahn
Tom Abel
A Novel Approach to Visualizing Dark Matter Simulations.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
18 (12) (2012)
Ralf Kähler
Tom Abel
Ji-hoon Kim
Visualization of a high-resolution galaxy formation simulation.
SC Companion
Chi-Ngon Nguyen
Olaf Simanski
Ralf Kähler
Agnes Schubert
Matthias Janda
Jörn Bajorat
Bernhard P. Lampe
The benefits of using Guyton's model in a hypotensive control system.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
89 (2) (2008)
Ralf Kähler
Tom Abel
Hans-Christian Hege
Simultaneous GPU-Assisted Raycasting of Unstructured Point Sets and Volumetric Grid Data.
Ralf Kähler
John Wise
Tom Abel
Hans-Christian Hege
GPU-Assisted Raycasting for Cosmological Adaptive Mesh Refinement Simulations.
Ralf Kähler
Steffen Prohaska
Andrei Hutanu
Hans-Christian Hege
Visualization of Time-Dependent Remote Adaptive Mesh Refinement Data.
IEEE Visualization
Chi-Ngon Nguyen
Olaf Simanski
Ralf Kähler
Agnes Schubert
Matthias Janda
Jörn Bajorat
Rainer Hofmockel
Bernhard P. Lampe
Regelung des mittleren arteriellen Blutdrucks im Rahmen einer kontrollierten Hypotension (Control of Mean Arterial Blood Pressure for Controlled Hypotension).
53 (12) (2005)
Hans-Christian Hege
Andrei Hutanu
Ralf Kähler
André Merzky
Thomas Radke
Edward Seidel
Brygg Ullmer
Progressive Retrieval and Hierarchical Visualization of Large Remote Data.
Scalable Comput. Pract. Exp.
6 (3) (2005)
Steffen Prohaska
Andrei Hutanu
Ralf Kähler
Hans-Christian Hege
Interactive Exploration of Large Remote Micro-CT Scans.
IEEE Visualization
Olaf Simanski
Ralf Kähler
B. Pohl
Rainer Hofmockel
R. Friedrich
Bernhard P. Lampe
Measurement and control of neuromuscular blockade and depth of anaesthesia.
Ralf Kähler
Mark Simon
Hans-Christian Hege
Interactive Volume Rendering of Large Sparse Data Sets Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement Hierarchies.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
9 (3) (2003)
Ralf Kähler
Hans-Christian Hege
Texture-based volume rendering of adaptive mesh refinement data.
Vis. Comput.
18 (8) (2002)
Ralf Kähler
Donna J. Cox
Robert Patterson
Stuart Levy
Hans-Christian Hege
Tom Abel
Rendering The First Star In The Universe - A Case Study.
IEEE Visualization