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Ralf Elbert
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2024
Publications (10 Years): 28
Top Topics
Vehicle Routing
Sample Average Approximation
Simulation Model
Discrete Event
Top Venues
Electron. Mark.
J. Simulation
Logist. Res.
Tessa Sarnow
Ralf Elbert
V&V application in generic simulation models in logistics.
J. Simulation
18 (2) (2024)
Tessa Sarnow
Ralf Elbert
Dominant factors in the simulation-based development of warehousing services.
J. Simulation
18 (4) (2024)
Ralf Elbert
Felix Roeper
Simulation-Based Analysis of Improvements in Vehicle Routing with Time Windows Using A One-Sided VCG Mechanism for the Reallocation of Unfavorable Time Windows.
Ruben Tessmann
Ralf Elbert
Multi-sided platforms in competitive B2B networks with varying governmental influence - a taxonomy of Port and Cargo Community System business models.
Electron. Mark.
32 (2) (2022)
Ruben Tessmann
Ralf Elbert
A multilevel, multi-mode framework for standardization in digital B2B platform eco-systems in international cargo transportation - A multiple case study.
Electron. Mark.
32 (4) (2022)
Ruben Tessmann
Ralf Elbert
Iois Adoption and diffusion a Review of Port and Cargo Community System literature.
Christian Friedrich
Ralf Elbert
Adaptive large neighborhood search for vehicle routing problems with transshipment facilities arising in city logistics.
Comput. Oper. Res.
137 (2022)
Jan-Philipp Müller
Ralf Elbert
Simon Emde
Intermodal service network design with stochastic demand and short-term schedule modifications.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
159 (2021)
Jan-Philipp Müller
Ralf Elbert
Simon Emde
Integrating vehicle routing into intermodal service network design with stochastic transit times.
EURO J. Transp. Logist.
10 (2021)
Johannes Fottner
Dana Clauer
Fabian Hormes
Michael Freitag
Thies Beinke
Ludger Overmeyer
Simon Nicolas Gottwald
Ralf Elbert
Tessa Sarnow
Thorsten Schmidt
Karl-Benedikt Reith
Hartmut Zadek
Franziska Thomas
Autonomous Systems in Intralogistics - State of the Art and Future Research Challenges.
Logist. Res.
14 (1) (2021)
Ralf Elbert
Roland Lehner
Simulation-Based Analysis of a Cross-Actor Pallet Exchange Platform.
Sören Wallbach
Roland Lehner
Konstantin Roethke
Ralf Elbert
Alexander Benlian
Trust-Building Effects of Blockchain Features - An Empirical Analysis of Immutability, Traceability and Anonymity.
Ralf Elbert
Jan-Karl Knigge
Anne Friedrich
Analysis of decentral platoon planning possibilities in road freight transport using an agent-based simulation model.
J. Simulation
14 (1) (2020)
Ralf Elbert
Jan-Philipp Müller
Analyzing the Influence of Costs and Delays on Mode Choice in Intermodal Transportation by Combining Sample Average Approximation and Discrete Event Simulation.
Sören Wallbach
Katrin Coleman
Ralf Elbert
Alexander Benlian
Multi-sided platform diffusion in competitive B2B networks: inhibiting factors and their impact on network effects.
Electron. Mark.
29 (4) (2019)
Amr Mahfouz
Declan Allen
Amr Arisha
Ralf Elbert
Michael Gleser
A Post-Brexit Transportation Scenario Analysis for an Agri-Fresh Produce Supply Chain.
Ralf Elbert
Tessa Sarnow
Augmented Reality in Order Picking - Boon and Bane of Information (Over-) Availability.
Ralf Elbert
Ulf-Thido Gerdes
Gernot Kaiser
Tessa Sarnow
Governance and moderating effects of environmental uncertainty: The impact on performance in horizontal logistics cooperations.
Logist. Res.
11 (1) (2018)
Sören Wallbach
Katrin Coleman
Ralf Elbert
Factors Inhibiting the Adoption of Cloud Community Systems in Dynamic B2B Networks: The Case of Air Cargo.
Ralf Elbert
Christian Friedrich
Simulation-based Evaluation of Urban Consolidation Centers considering Urban Access Regulations.
Ralf Elbert
Jan-Karl Knigge
How order Placement Influences Resource Allocation and order Processing times inside a Multi-User Warehouse.
Ralf Elbert
Katrin Scharf
Analysis of the Choice Behavior for Container Transport Services in the Maritime Hinterland.
Christoph H. Glock
Eric H. Grosse
Ralf Elbert
Torsten Franzke
Maverick picking: the impact of modifications in work schedules on manual order picking processes.
Int. J. Prod. Res.
55 (21) (2017)
Ralf Elbert
Holger Pontow
Alexander Benlian
The role of inter-organizational information systems in maritime transport chains.
Electron. Mark.
27 (2) (2017)
Ralf Elbert
Katrin Scharf
Daniel Reinhardt
Simulation of the order process in maritime hinterland transportation: The impact of order release times.
Ralf Elbert
Jan-Philipp Müller
The impact of item weight on travel times in picker-to-parts order picking: An agent-based simulation approach.
Ralf Elbert
Torsten Franzke
Christoph H. Glock
Eric H. Grosse
The effects of human behavior on the efficiency of routing policies in order picking: The case of route deviations.
Comput. Ind. Eng.
111 (2017)
Ralf Elbert
Daniel Reinhardt
Increasing capacity utilization of shuttle trains in intermodal transport by investing in transshipment technologies for non-cranable semi-trailers.
Ralf Elbert
Torsten Franzke
Christoph H. Glock
Eric H. Grosse
Agent-based analysis of picker blocking in manual order picking systems: effects of routing combinations on throughput time.
Ralf Elbert
Fabian Walter
Information flow along the maritime transport chain: a simulation based approach to determine impacts of estimated time of arrival messages on the capacity utilization.
Ralf Elbert
Hans-Dietrich Haasis
Robert Schönberger
Thomas Landwehr
Adapting Dynamic Logistics Processes and Networks: Advantages Through Regional Logistics Clusters.
Hans-Christian Pfohl
Ralf Elbert
Christian Zuber
Methoden und Instrumente für die robuste Planung von Produktionsprozessen im Wertschöpfungssystem.
Jochen Franke
Donovan Pfaff
Ralf Elbert
Moritz Gomm
Erik Hofmann
Die Financial Chain im Supply Chain Management: Konzeptionelle Einordnung und Identifikation von Werttreibern.