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Primoz Kosec
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Educational Practices
Web Based Education
Sign Language
Top Venues
HCI (8)
Multim. Tools Appl.
Ines Kozuh
Simon Hauptman
Primoz Kosec
Matjaz Debevc
Assessing the Efficiency of Using Augmented Reality for Learning Sign Language.
HCI (8)
Matjaz Debevc
Ines Kozuh
Primoz Kosec
Milan Rotovnik
Andreas Holzinger
Sign Language Multimedia Based Interaction for Aurally Handicapped People.
Samra Mujacic
Matjaz Debevc
Primoz Kosec
Marcus D. Bloice
Andreas Holzinger
Modeling, design, development and evaluation of a hypervideo presentation for digital systems teaching and learning.
Multim. Tools Appl.
58 (2) (2012)
Katharina Holzinger
Gabriele Koiner-Erath
Primoz Kosec
Markus Fassold
Andreas Holzinger
ArchaeoApp Rome Edition (AARE): Making Invisible Sites Visible - e-Business Aspects of Historic Knowledge Discovery via Mobile Devices.
Andreas Holzinger
Primoz Kosec
Gerold Schwantzer
Matjaz Debevc
Rainer Hofmann-Wellenhof
Julia Frühauf
Design and development of a mobile computer application to reengineer workflows in the hospital and the methodology to evaluate its effectiveness.
J. Biomed. Informatics
44 (6) (2011)
Matjaz Debevc
Primoz Kosec
Andreas Holzinger
Improving multimodal web accessibility for deaf people: sign language interpreter module.
Multim. Tools Appl.
54 (1) (2011)
Matjaz Debevc
Primoz Kosec
Andreas Holzinger
E-Learning Accessibility for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing - Practical Examples and Experiences.
Primoz Kosec
Matjaz Debevc
Andreas Holzinger
Sign Language Interpreter Module: Accessible Video Retrieval with Subtitles.
Matjaz Debevc
Primoz Kosec
Milan Rotovnik
Andreas Holzinger
Accessible Multimodal Web Pages with Sign Language Translations for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users.
DEXA Workshops
Matjaz Debevc
Primoz Kosec
Andreas Holzinger
Examples of using technology in teaching Human - Computer Interaction according to the Bologna process.
Simon Kocbek
Primoz Kosec
Peter Kokol
Mitja Lenic
Matjaz Debevc
Discovering new knowledge with advanced data mining tool.
Matjaz Debevc
Mateja Verlic
Primoz Kosec
Zoran Stjepanovic
How Can HCI Factors Improve Accessibility of m-Learning for Persons with Special Needs?
HCI (7)