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Peter Kán
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2022
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Subsurface Scattering
Virtual Reality
Light Source
Adaptive User Interfaces
Top Venues
Eurographics (Short Papers)
Vis. Comput.
João Marcelo Evangelista Belo
Mathias N. Lystbæk
Anna Maria Feit
Ken Pfeuffer
Peter Kán
Antti Oulasvirta
Kaj Grønbæk
AUIT - the Adaptive User Interfaces Toolkit for Designing XR Applications.
Thomas Alois Pichler
Andrej Ferko
Michal Ferko
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Precomputed fast rejection ray-triangle intersection.
Graph. Vis. Comput.
6 (2022)
Alice Barbara Tumpach
Peter Kán
Temporal Alignment of Human Motion Data: A Geometric Point of View.
GSI (2)
Johannes Sorger
Alessio Arleo
Peter Kán
Wolfgang Knecht
Manuela Waldner
Egocentric Network Exploration for Immersive Analytics.
Mohammadreza Mirzaei
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Head Up Visualization of Spatial Sound Sources in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People.
Peter Kán
Peter Ferschin
Meliha Honic
Iva Kovacic
Building Information Monitoring via Gamification.
Mohammadreza Mirzaei
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Multi-modal Spatial Object Localization in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People.
Johannes Sorger
Alessio Arleo
Peter Kán
Wolfgang Knecht
Manuela Waldner
Egocentric Network Exploration for Immersive Analytics.
Comput. Graph. Forum
40 (7) (2021)
Mohammadreza Mirzaei
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
EarVR: Using Ear Haptics in Virtual Reality for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
26 (5) (2020)
Anna Sebernegg
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Motion Similarity Modeling - A State of the Art Report.
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Correction to: DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning.
Vis. Comput.
36 (1) (2020)
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
DeepLight: light source estimation for augmented reality using deep learning.
Vis. Comput.
35 (6-8) (2019)
Jindrich Adolf
Peter Kán
Benjamin Outram
Hannes Kaufmann
Jaromír Dolezal
Lenka Lhotská
Juggling in VR: Advantages of Immersive Virtual Reality in Juggling Learning.
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Automatic Furniture Arrangement Using Greedy Cost Minimization.
Peter Kán
Maxim Davletaliyev
Hannes Kaufmann
Discovering New Monte Carlo Noise Filters with Genetic Programming.
Eurographics (Short Papers)
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Automated interior design using a genetic algorithm.
Peter Kán
Johannes Unterguggenberger
Hannes Kaufmann
High-Quality Consistent Illumination in Mobile Augmented Reality by Radiance Convolution on the GPU.
ISVC (1)
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Mobile Multiview Diffuse Texture Extraction.
Peter Kán
Interactive HDR Environment Map Capturing on Mobile Devices.
Eurographics (Short Papers)
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Differential Progressive Path Tracing for High-Quality Previsualization and Relighting in Augmented Reality.
ISVC (2)
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Differential Irradiance Caching for fast high-quality light transport between virtual and real worlds.
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
Physically-Based Depth of Field in Augmented Reality.
Eurographics (Short Papers)
Peter Kán
Hannes Kaufmann
High-quality reflections, refractions, and caustics in Augmented Reality and their contribution to visual coherence.