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Pavel Cech
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2023
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Pacific Rim
Comparative Analysis
International Conference On Machine Learning
E Learning
Top Venues
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Expert Syst. Appl.
Interact. Learn. Environ.
Daniela Ponce
Martina Husáková
Tomás Nacházel
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Peter Mikulecký
Kamila Stekerová
Petr Tucník
Marek Zanker
Karel Mls
Ioanna Triantafyllou
Frantisek Babic
Unification of tsunami-related terminology: Ontology engineering perspective.
Comput. Geosci.
178 (2023)
Pavel Cech
Martin Mattos
Viera Anderková
Frantisek Babic
Bilal Naji Alhasnawi
Vladimír Bures
Milan Korínek
Kamila Stekerová
Martina Husáková
Marek Zanker
Sunanda Manneela
Ioanna Triantafyllou
Architecture-Oriented Agent-Based Simulations and Machine Learning Solution: The Case of Tsunami Emergency Analysis for Local Decision Makers.
14 (3) (2023)
Pavel Cech
Daniela Ponce
Peter Mikulecký
Karel Mls
Andrea Zvácková
Petr Tucník
Tereza Otcenásková
Generating Synthetic Data to Improve Intrusion Detection in Smart City Network Systems.
Frantisek Babic
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Martina Husáková
Peter Mikulecký
Karel Mls
Tomás Nacházel
Daniela Ponce
Kamila Stekerová
Ioanna Triantafyllou
Petr Tucník
Marek Zanker
Review of Tools for Semantics Extraction: Application in Tsunami Research Domain.
13 (1) (2022)
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Martina Husáková
Zdenek Kokstein
Pavel Kríz
Katerina Krylová
Tomás Nacházel
Daniela Ponce
Petra Poulova
Ales Ryska
Ilja Tacheci
Petr Tucník
Marek Zanker
Use of virtual medical cases as a learning tool in medicine.
Interact. Learn. Environ.
29 (2) (2021)
Pavel Cech
Matching UML class models using graph edit distance.
Expert Syst. Appl.
130 (2019)
Petr Tucník
Tomás Nacházel
Pavel Cech
Vladimír Bures
Comparative analysis of selected path-planning approaches in large-scale multi-agent-based environments.
Expert Syst. Appl.
113 (2018)
Pavel Cech
Goreti Marreiros
Peter Mikulecký
Introduction to the Proceedings of SOOW'18.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Peter Mikulecký
Pavel Cech
Goreti Marreiros
Workshop on Smart Offices and Other Workplaces.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Pavel Cech
Smart Classroom Study Design for Analysing the Effect of Environmental Conditions on Students' Comfort.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Tereza Otcenásková
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Fridrich Rácz
The Emergence of Public Intelligence: Penetration of Business Intelligence into the Public Administration Realm.
Peter Mikulecký
Goreti Marreiros
Pavel Cech
Introduction to the Proceedings of SOOW'15.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Pavel Cech
Petr Tucník
Vladimír Bures
Martina Husáková
Modelling Complexity of Economic System with Multi-Agent Systems.
Peter Mikulecký
Pavel Cech
Carlos Ramos
Foreword to the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Smart Offices and Other Workplaces (SOOW'13).
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Tereza Otcenásková
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Jana Prattingerová
Coordination of Processes as a Starting Point for Simulation-based Management of Biological Incidents.
Petr Tucník
Pavel Cech
Vladimír Bures
Self-organizational Aspects and Adaptation of Agent Based Simulation Based on Economic Principles.
Martina Husáková
Pavel Cech
Exploitation of Ontology-based Recommendation System with Multi-agent Simulations.
Pavel Cech
Towards an Intelligent Learning Environment Using Ontology Based Reasoning.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Vladimír Bures
Daniela Ponce
Pavel Cech
Tereza Otcenásková
Interactive Digital TV as the e-Learning Platform - Towards Supportive Environments for Elderly.
Tereza Otcenásková
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Conceptual Modelling for Management of Public Health in Case of Emergency Situations.
Pavel Cech
Vladimír Bures
Daniela Ponce
Karel Antos
Ales Macela
Assistive Environment for Decision Support in Emergency Situations.
Pavel Cech
Kamila Olsevicova
The Proposal of Intelligent Assistant for Graduation Thesis Preparation.
Intelligent Environments (Workshops)
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Selected Aspects of Ambient Intelligence Development.
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Complexity of ambient intelligence in managerial work.
Vladimír Bures
Pavel Cech
Knowledge Intensity of Organizations in Knowledge Economy.
Pavel Cech
Vladimír Bures
Recommendation of Web Resources for Academics - Architecture and Components.