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Paolo Tenti
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1996-2021
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Blackboard Architecture
Power Grids
Specific Domains
Laparoscopic Surgery
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
Paolo Tenti
James Thomas
Rafael Peñaloza
Gabriella Pasi
Using an Ensemble of Features for Personalized Recommendations of Scientific Publications.
Paolo Tenti
Gabriella Pasi
Rafael Peñaloza
Complementing Language Embeddings with Knowledge Bases for Specific Domains.
Paolo Tenti
Tommaso Caldognetto
On Microgrid Evolution to Local Area Energy Network (E-LAN).
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
10 (2) (2019)
Tommaso Caldognetto
Paolo Tenti
Danilo Iglesias Brandao
Fully-dispatchable microgrid: Architecture, implementation and experimental validation.
Danilo Iglesias Brandao
Tommaso Caldognetto
Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
Marcelo Godoy Simões
José Antenor Pomilio
Paolo Tenti
Centralized Control of Distributed Single-Phase Inverters Arbitrarily Connected to Three-Phase Four-Wire Microgrids.
IEEE Trans. Smart Grid
8 (1) (2017)
Paolo Tenti
Tommaso Caldognetto
Integrated control of meshed power grids with multiple feeding points and distributed energy sources.
Guido Cavraro
Tommaso Caldognetto
Ruggero Carli
Paolo Tenti
A master/slave control of distributed energy resources in low-voltage microgrids.
Paolo Tenti
Energy Internet - The Challenge of Smart Micro-Grids.
Riccardo Bonetto
Tommaso Caldognetto
Simone Buso
Michele Rossi
Stefano Tomasin
Paolo Tenti
Lightweight energy management of islanded operated microgrids for prosumer communities.
Tommaso Caldognetto
Simone Buso
Paolo Tenti
Architecture and control of fully-dispatchable microgrids.
Paolo Tenti
Alessandro Costabeber
Paolo Mattavelli
Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
Helmo K. Morales Paredes
Load Characterization and Revenue Metering Under Non-Sinusoidal and Asymmetrical Operation.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
63 (2) (2014)
Paolo Tenti
Tommaso Caldognetto
Alessandro Costabeber
Paolo Mattavelli
Microgrids operation based on master-slave cooperative control.
Paolo Tenti
Alessandro Costabeber
Francesco Sichirollo
Paolo Mattavelli
Minimum loss control of low-voltage residential microgrids.
Helmo K. Morales Paredes
Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
Paolo Mattavelli
Paolo Tenti
Application of Conservative Power Theory to load and line characterization and revenue metering.
Paolo Tenti
Alessandro Costabeber
Paolo Mattavelli
Daniela Trombetti
Distribution Loss Minimization by Token Ring Control of Power Electronic Interfaces in Residential Microgrids.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
59 (10) (2012)
Tomaso Erseghe
Francesco Lorenzon
Stefano Tomasin
Alessandro Costabeber
Paolo Tenti
Distance measurement over PLC for dynamic grid mapping of smart micro grids.
Paolo Tenti
Helmo K. Morales Paredes
Fernando Pinhabel Marafao
Paolo Mattavelli
Accountability in Smart Microgrids Based on Conservative Power Theory.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
60 (9) (2011)
Paolo Tenti
Helmo K. Morales Paredes
Fernando Pinhabel Marafão
Paolo Mattavelli
Accountability and revenue metering in smart micro-grids.
Daniele Trevisan
Paolo Mattavelli
Paolo Tenti
Digital Control of Single-Inductor Multiple-Output Step-Down DC-DC Converters in CCM.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
55 (9) (2008)
Paolo Tenti
Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates Using Recurrent Neural Networks.
Appl. Artif. Intell.
10 (6) (1996)