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Oussama Kerdjidj
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Transfer Learning
Fall Detection
Pursuit Algorithm
Indoor Localization
Top Venues
Microprocess. Microsystems
IEEE Access
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
Oussama Kerdjidj
Yassine Himeur
Shahab Saquib Sohail
Abbes Amira
Fodil Fadli
Shadi Atalla
Wathiq Mansoor
Abigail Copiaco
Amjad Gawanmeh
Sami Miniaoui
Diana Dawoud
Uncovering the Potential of Indoor Localization: Role of Deep and Transfer Learning.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Kahina Amara
Oussama Kerdjidj
Naeem Ramzan
Emotion Recognition for Affective Human Digital Twin by Means of Virtual Reality Enabling Technologies.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Lotfi Madaoui
Oussama Kerdjidj
Malika Kedir-Talha
Design and implementation of IMU-based locomotion mode recognition system on Zynq SoC.
Microprocess. Microsystems
102 (2023)
Mohammad Kamel Daradkeh
Wathiq Mansoor
Shadi Atalla
Yassine Himeur
Oussama Kerdjidj
Lifelong Machine Learning for Topic Modeling Based on Hellinger Distance.
Kahina Amara
Oussama Kerdjidj
Shadi Atalla
Mohamed Amine Guerroudji
Wathiq Mansoor
Nadia Zenati
Enhancing Brain Tumour Aid Diagnosis with Augmented Reality rendering-based 6 DoF Object Pose Estimation.
Oussama Kerdjidj
Yassine Himeur
Shadi Atalla
Abigail Copiaco
Shahab Saquib Sohail
Fodil Fadli
Abbes Amira
Wathiq Mansoor
Amjad Gawanmeh
Exploring 2D Representation and Transfer Learning Techniques for People Identification in Indoor Localization.
Kahina Amara
Ali Aouf
Hoceine Kennouche
Oualid Djekoune
Nadia Zenati
Oussama Kerdjidj
Farid Ferguene
COVIR: A virtual rendering of a novel NN architecture O-Net for COVID-19 Ct-scan automatic lung lesions segmentation.
Comput. Graph.
104 (2022)
Oussama Kerdjidj
Elhocine Boutellaa
Abbes Amira
Khalida Ghanem
Fatima Chouireb
A hardware framework for fall detection using inertial sensors and compressed sensing.
Microprocess. Microsystems
91 (2022)
Lilia Aljihmani
Oussama Kerdjidj
Goran Petrovski
Madhav Erraguntla
Farzan Sasangohar
Ranjana K. Mehta
Khalid A. Qaraqe
Hand tremor-based hypoglycemia detection and prediction in adolescents with type 1 diabetes.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
78 (2022)
Lilia Aljihmani
Oussama Kerdjidj
Yibo Zhu
Ranjana K. Mehta
Madhav Erraguntla
Farzan Sasangohar
Khalid A. Qaraqe
Classification of Fatigue Phases in Healthy and Diabetic Adults Using Wearable Sensor.
20 (23) (2020)
Oussama Kerdjidj
Naeem Ramzan
Khalida Ghanem
Abbes Amira
Fatima Chouireb
Fall detection and human activity classification using wearable sensors and compressed sensing.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
11 (1) (2020)
Elhocine Boutellaa
Oussama Kerdjidj
Khalida Ghanem
Covariance matrix based fall detection from multiple wearable sensors.
J. Biomed. Informatics
94 (2019)
Oussama Kerdjidj
Abbes Amira
Khalida Ghanem
Naeem Ramzan
Stamos Katsigiannis
Fatima Chouireb
An FPGA implementation of the matching pursuit algorithm for a compressed sensing enabled e-Health monitoring platform.
Microprocess. Microsystems
67 (2019)
Oussama Kerdjidj
Naeem Ramzan
Abbes Amira
Khalida Ghanem
Fatima Chouireb
Design and Evaluation of Vivado HLS-Based Compressive Sensing for ECG Signal Analysis.
Oussama Kerdjidj
Khalida Ghanem
Abbes Amira
Farid Harizi
Fatima Chouireb
Concatenation of dictionaries for recovery of ECG signals using compressed sensing techniques.
Hamid Bessalah
Fatiha Alim-Ferhat
Hassen Salhi
S. Seddiki
Mohamed Issad
Oussama Kerdjidj
On Line Wavelets Transform on a Xilinx FPGA Circuit to Medical Images Compression.
Fatiha Alim-Ferhat
Hamid Bessalah
Hassen Salhi
S. Seddiki
Mohamed Issad
Oussama Kerdjidj
WT-SOM network implementation on FPGA for the medical images compression.