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Óscar Lázaro
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2021
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Database Security
Policy Enforcement
Access Control
Simulation Platform
Top Venues
IWEI Workshops
IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag.
J. Netw. Comput. Appl.
John Soldatos
Nikos Kefalakis
Georgios Makantasis
Angelo Marguglio
Óscar Lázaro
Digital Platform and Operator 4.0 Services for Manufacturing Repurposing During COVID19.
APMS (4)
Dimitris Kiritsis
Óscar Lázaro
Melinda Hodkiewicz
Jay Lee
Jun Ni
Editorial: Data-Driven Cognitive Manufacturing - Applications in Predictive Maintenance and Zero Defect Manufacturing.
Frontiers Comput. Sci.
2 (2020)
M. Carmen Lucas-Estan
Theofanis P. Raptis
Miguel Sepulcre
Andrea Passarella
Cristina Regueiro
Óscar Lázaro
A software defined hierarchical communication and data management architecture for industry 4.0.
Sangje Cho
Gökan May
Ioannis Tourkogiorgis
Roberto Perez
Óscar Lázaro
Borja de la Maza
Dimitris Kiritsis
A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Predictive Maintenance in Smart Factories of the Future.
APMS (2)
Elias Molina
Óscar Lázaro
Miguel Sepulcre
Javier Gozálvez
Andrea Passarella
Theofanis P. Raptis
Ales Ude
Bojan Nemec
Martijn Rooker
Franziska Kirstein
Eelke Mooij
The AUTOWARE Framework and Requirements for the Cognitive Digital Automation.
Mikel Uriarte
Óscar López
Jordi Blasi
Óscar Lázaro
Alicia Gonzalez
Ivan Prada
Eneko Olivares
Carlos Enrique Palau
Benjamín Molina
Miguel A. Portugués
Alejandro García-Serrano
Sensing Enabled Capabilities for Access Control Management: IoT as an Enabler for the Advanced Management of Access Control.
Carlos Agostinho
Fenareti Lampathaki
Ricardo Jardim-Gonçalves
Óscar Lázaro
Accelerating Web-Entrepreneurship in Local Incubation Environments.
CAiSE Workshops
Baldomero Coll-Perales
Javier Gozálvez
Óscar Lázaro
Miguel Sepulcre
Opportunistic Multihopping for Energy Efficiency: Opportunistic Multihop Cellular Networking for Energy-Efficient Provision of Mobile Delay-Tolerant Services.
IEEE Veh. Technol. Mag.
10 (2) (2015)
Óscar Lázaro
Ainara González
June Sola
FITMAN Future Internet Enablers for the Sending Enterprise: a FIWARE Approach & Industrial Trialing.
IWEI Workshops
Mikel Uriarte
Óscar Lázaro
Alicia Gonzalez
Ivan Prada
Óscar López
Jordi Blasi
Eneko Olivares
Carlos Enrique Palau
Usable Access Control Enabled by Sensing Enterprise Architectures.
IWEI Workshops
Jose Ramon Gisbert
Carlos Enrique Palau
Mikel Uriarte
Gonzalo Prieto
Jose Antonio Palazon
Manuel Esteve
Oscar López
J. Correas
M. Carmen Lucas-Estan
Pablo Giménez
Agustín Moyano
Luis Collantes
Javier Gozálvez
Benjamín Molina
Óscar Lázaro
Ainara González
Integrated system for control and monitoring industrial wireless networks for labor risk prevention.
J. Netw. Comput. Appl.
39 (2014)
Patricia Órtiz
Óscar Lázaro
Mikel Uriarte
Manuel Carnerero
Enhanced multi-domain access control for secure mobile collaboration through Linked Data cloud in manufacturing.
Michele Rondinone
Julen Maneros
Daniel Krajzewicz
Ramon Bauza
Pasquale Cataldi
Fatma Hrizi
Javier Gozálvez
Vineet Kumar
Matthias Röckl
Lan Lin
Óscar Lázaro
Jeremie Leguay
Jérôme Härri
Sendoa Vaz
Yoann Lopez
Miguel Sepulcre
Michelle Wetterwald
Robbin Blokpoel
Fabio Cartolano
iTETRIS: A modular simulation platform for the large scale evaluation of cooperative ITS applications.
Simul. Model. Pract. Theory
34 (2013)
Angelika Salmen
Tobias Münch
Steffen Buzin
Jan Hladik
Werner Altmann
Conny Weber
Dimitris Karagiannis
Robert Andrei Buchmann
Jens Ziegler
Johannes Pfeffer
Markus Graube
Manuel Carnerero
Óscar López
Mikel Uriarte
Patricia Órtiz
Óscar Lázaro
ComVantage: Mobile Enterprise Collaboration Reference Framework and Enablers for Future Internet Information Interoperability.
Future Internet Assembly
Tobias Münch
Robert Andrei Buchmann
Johannes Pfeffer
Patricia Órtiz
Conny Christl
Jan Hladik
Jens Ziegler
Óscar Lázaro
Dimitris Karagiannis
Leon Urbas
An Innovative Virtual Enterprise Approach to Agile Micro and SME-Based Collaboration Networks.
Markus Graube
Patricia Órtiz
Manuel Carnerero
Óscar Lázaro
Mikel Uriarte
Leon Urbas
Flexibility vs. security in linked enterprise data access control graphs.
Frank Y. Li
Paolo Bucciol
Lorenzo Vandoni
Nikos Fragoulis
Stefano Zanoli
Luca Leschiutta
Óscar Lázaro
Broadband Internet Access via Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks: Design, Protocol and Experiments.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
58 (4) (2011)
Agustín Moyano
Óscar Lázaro
Carlos Fernández-Llatas
Semantic Sensor Network Architecture for Pro-active Risk Management in the Factories of the Future.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Valdemar Monteiro
Álvaro Gomes
Marco Di Renzo
Jesus Alonso-Zarate
Christos V. Verikoukis
Ainara González
Óscar Lázaro
Ahmet Akan
Julian Pérez Vila
George Kormentzas
David Boixade
Silvia de la Maza
Converged Wireless Networking and Optimization for Next Generation Services.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2010 (2010)
Ainara González
Ángel Martín
Miguel Angel Urrutia
Óscar Lázaro
On the Performance of Intra-system Optimization of Virtual Manufacturing Communication Systems.
Ainara González
Óscar Lázaro
Sendoa Vaz
Deploying and experimenting wireless ad hoc networks in mountainous regions for broadband multimedia service access.
Pau Arce
Juan Carlos Guerri
Ana Pajares
Óscar Lázaro
Performance Evaluation of Video Streaming Over Ad Hoc Networks Using Flat and Hierarchical Routing Protocols.
Mob. Networks Appl.
13 (3-4) (2008)
Daniel Calabuig
Jose F. Monserrat
David Gomez-Barquero
Óscar Lázaro
An efficient dynamic resource allocation algorithm for packet-switched communication networks based on Hopfield neural excitation method.
71 (16-18) (2008)
Pau Arce
Juan Carlos Guerri
Ana Pajares
Óscar Lázaro
Performance evaluation of video streaming over ad-hoc networks using flat and hierarchical routing protocols.
Daniel Calabuig
Jose F. Monserrat
David Gomez-Barquero
Óscar Lázaro
User bandwidth usage-driven hnn neuron excitation method for maximum resource utilization within packet-switched communication networks.
IEEE Commun. Lett.
10 (11) (2006)
Jose F. Monserrat
Lorenzo Rubio
Óscar Lázaro
Simplified Model of the Channel Estimation Error in UMTS Link Level Simulations.
Óscar Lázaro
Demessie Girma
John Dunlop
H.263 video traffic modelling for low bit rate wireless communications.
Javier Gozálvez
Miguel López-Benítez
Óscar Lázaro
Guaranteeing quality of service in mobile radio networks by means of link adaptation algorithms.
David Argiles
Óscar Lázaro
Lorenzo Rubio
Narcís Cardona
Gema Piñero
Speed effect on the link level performance of a multi node B enhanced UTRAN architecture.
Javier Gozálvez
Miguel López-Benítez
Óscar Lázaro
Javier Evangelio
Design and evaluation of a link adaptation algorithm for enhanced video service provision within mobile radio environments.
Carmen Botella
Gema Pinero
Maria de Diego
Alberto González
Óscar Lázaro
An efficient joint power control and beamforming algorithm for distributed base stations.
Óscar Lázaro
Demessie Girma
Impact of decentralization on the performance of a Hopfield neural network-based DCA scheme.
IEEE Commun. Lett.
5 (11) (2001)
Óscar Lázaro
Demessie Girma
A sequential descent DCA algorithm for fast and optimum resource allocation in wireless communication systems.
VTC Fall
Óscar Lázaro
Demessie Girma
John Dunlop
Real-time generation of synthetic MPEG-4 video traffic using wavelets.
VTC Fall
Óscar Lázaro
Demessie Girma
A Hopfield neural-network-based dynamic channel allocation with handoff channel reservation control.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
49 (5) (2000)
Óscar Lázaro
Demessie Girma
John Dunlop
Statistical analysis and evaluation of modelling techniques for self-similar video source traffic.