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Ömer Aydogdu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2024
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Inverted Pendulum
Matlab Simulink
Fuzzy Logic
Brushless Dc
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Qazwan Abdullah
Adeb Salh
Mustafa Sami Ahmed
Nor Shahida Mohd Shah
Ömer Aydogdu
Ghasan Ali Hussain
Sustainability and Latency Reduction Through Federated Learning-Powered Digital Twins in IoT Devices.
Ali Unluturk
Ömer Aydogdu
Machine Learning Based Self-Balancing and Motion Control of the Underactuated Mobile Inverted Pendulum With Variable Load.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Adeb Salh
Lukman Audah
Qazwan Abdullah
Ömer Aydogdu
Mohammed Alhartomi
Saeed Hamood Alsamhi
Faris A. Almalki
Nor Shahida Mohd Shah
Low Computational Complexity for Optimizing Energy Efficiency in mm-wave Hybrid Precoding System for 5G.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Ying He
Habib Ullah Khan
Kai Zhang
Wei Wang
Bong Jun Choi
Ayman A. Aly
Bassem F. Felemban
Nor Samiah Sani
Qazwan A. Tarbosh
Ömer Aydogdu
Corrections to "D2D-V2X-SDN: Taxonomy and Architecture Towards 5G Mobile Communication".
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Nabil Farah
Md. Hairul Nizam Talib
Zulkifilie Ibrahim
Qazwan Abdullah
Ömer Aydogdu
Maaspaliza Azri
Jurifa Binti Mat Lazi
Zainuddin Mat Isa
Investigation of the Computational Burden Effects of Self-Tuning Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller of Induction Motor Drives With Different Rules Sizes.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Ying He
Habib Ullah Khan
Kai Zhang
Wei Wang
Bong Jun Choi
Ayman A. Aly
Bassem F. Felemban
Nor Samsiah Sani
Qazwan A. Tarbosh
Ömer Aydogdu
D2D-V2X-SDN: Taxonomy and Architecture Towards 5G Mobile Communication System.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Qazwan A. Tarbosh
Ömer Aydogdu
Nabil Farah
Md. Hairul Nizam Talib
Adeeb Salh
Nihat Çankaya
Fuad Alhaj Omar
Akif Durdu
Review and Investigation of Simplified Rules Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller of High Performance Induction Motor Drives.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Nihat Çankaya
Ömer Aydogdu
Three Parameter Control Algorithm for Obtaining Ideal Postprandial Blood Glucose in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Taha Sadeq
Kuew Wai Chew
Ezra Morris
Qazwan A. Tarbosh
Ömer Aydogdu
Optimal Control Strategy to Maximize the Performance of Hybrid Energy Storage System for Electric Vehicle Considering Topography Information.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)