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Oana Balan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2020
Publications (10 Years): 18
Top Topics
Deep Learning
Virtual Reality
Brain Activation
Comparative Study
Top Venues
Oana Balan
Gabriela Moise
Alin Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
Florica Moldoveanu
An Investigation of Various Machine and Deep Learning Techniques Applied in Automatic Fear Level Detection and Acrophobia Virtual Therapy.
20 (2) (2020)
Oana Balan
Stefania Cristea
Gabriela Moise
Livia Petrescu
Silviu Ivascu
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
eTher - An Assistive Virtual Agent for Acrophobia Therapy in Virtual Reality.
HCI (46)
Oana Balan
Gabriela Moise
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
Classifying the Levels of Fear by Means of Machine Learning Techniques and VR in a Holonic-Based System for Treating Phobias. Experiments and Results.
HCI (11)
Oana Balan
Gabriela Moise
Livia Petrescu
Alin Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Emotion Classification Based on Biophysical Signals and Machine Learning Techniques.
12 (1) (2020)
Eduard Toma
Oana Balan
Cristian Lambru
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Ophiophobia 3D - a Game for Treating Fear of Snakes.
IEEE Conf. on Intelligent Systems
Oana Balan
Stefania Cristea
Alin Moldoveanu
Gabriela Moise
Marius Leordeanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Towards a Human-Centered Approach for VRET Systems: Case Study for Acrophobia.
Oana Balan
Gabriela Moise
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
Automatic Adaptation of Exposure Intensity in VR Acrophobia Therapy, based on Deep Neural Networks.
Oana Balan
Gabriela Moise
Alin Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Fear Level Classification Based on Emotional Dimensions and Machine Learning Techniques.
19 (7) (2019)
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
A Systematic Review of the Methods and Experiments Aimed to Reduce Front-Back Confusions in the Free-Field and Virtual Auditory Environments.
Oana Balan
Gabriela Moise
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Marius Leordeanu
Does automatic game difficulty level adjustment improve acrophobia therapy?: differences from baseline.
Simone Spagnol
György Wersényi
Michal Bujacz
Oana Balan
Marcelo Herrera Martínez
Alin Moldoveanu
Runar Unnthorsson
Current Use and Future Perspectives of Spatial Audio Technologies in Electronic Travel Aids.
Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput.
2018 (2018)
Dalia Papuc
Oana Balan
Maria-Iuliana Dascalu
Alin Moldoveanu
Anca Morar
Brain Activation and Cognitive Load during EEG Measured Creativity Tasks Accompanied by Relaxation Music.
Irina Mocanu
Bogdan Cramariuc
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
A Framework for Activity Recognition Through Deep Learning and Abnormality Detection in Daily Activities.
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Anca Morar
Silviu Ivascu
Perceptual feedback training for improving spatial acuity and resolving front-back confusion errors in virtual auditory environments.
Andreea Racovita
Anca Morar
Oana Balan
Florica Moldoveanu
Alin Moldoveanu
Near Infrared Imaging for Tissue Analysis.
Anca Morar
Florica Moldoveanu
Alin Moldoveanu
Oana Balan
Victor Asavei
GPU Accelerated 2D and 3D Image Processing.
Alin Dragos Bogdan Moldoveanu
Silviu Ivascu
Iulia-Cristina Stanica
Maria-Iuliana Dascalu
Robert G. Lupu
Gabriel Ivanica
Oana Balan
Simona Caraiman
Florina Ungureanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Anca Morar
Mastering an advanced sensory substitution device for visually impaired through innovative virtual training.
Anca Morar
Florica Moldoveanu
Lucian Petrescu
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Time-consistent segmentation of indoor depth video frames.
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Hunor Nagy
György Wersényi
Nicolae Botezatu
Andrei Stan
Robert Gabriel Lupu
Haptic-auditory perceptual feedback based training for improving the spatial acoustic resolution of the visually impaired people.
Bogdan Troanca
Alexandru Butean
Alin Moldoveanu
Oana Balan
Introducing basic geometric shapes to visually impaired people using a mobile app.
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Alexandru Butean
Developing a navigational 3D audio game with hierarchical levels of difficulty for the visually impaired players.
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Comparative study of the main Virtual Dressing Room applications.
Oana Balan
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Anca Morar
Virtual Reality in Medicine - Achievements, Challenges and Trends.
Anca Morar
Alin Moldoveanu
Florica Moldoveanu
Victor Asavei
Lucian Petrescu
Oana Balan
Ionut Negoi
Sorin Hostiuc
Human-Computer Interfaces Based on Augmented/Virtual Reality and Image Processing in Minimally Invasive Surgery.