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Murali Raman
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2021
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Disaster Management
Project Teams
Absorptive Capacity
Homeland Security
Top Venues
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag.
WorldCIST (1)
Ibrahim Hussien Musa Magboul
Kok-Wai Chew
Murali Raman
Antecedents and consequences of information system usage: an empirical investigation.
Int. J. Bus. Inf. Syst.
37 (3) (2021)
Anisha Haveena Kaur
Sharmini Gopinathan
Murali Raman
Work-in-Progress - Role of Innovative Teaching Strategies in Enhancing STEM Education in Malaysia.
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Role of Green HRM Practices in Employees' Pro-environmental IT Practices.
WorldCIST (1)
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Rameswaran Vijayakumar
Cognitive Determinants of IT Professional Belief and Attitude Towards Green IT.
WorldCIST (1)
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Differences in Individual Usage of the Internet: Cognitive, Motivational and Contextual Aspects of the Digital Divide.
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Antecedents of Local Personnel Absorptive Capacity in Joint Project Engineering Teams in Nigeria.
Int. J. Knowl. Manag.
12 (2) (2016)
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
The role of prior experience and goal orientation in individual absorptive capacity.
Ind. Manag. Data Syst.
116 (4) (2016)
Ibrahim Hussien Musa Magboul
Kok-Wai Chew
Murali Raman
A conceptual model of information system usage for better improvement in organisations.
Int. J. Bus. Inf. Syst.
22 (3) (2016)
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Modelling the underlying behavioural antecedents of the digital divide from the ability, motivation and opportunity framework.
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Individual and Contextual Antecedents of Knowledge Acquisition Capability in Joint ICT Project Teams in Malaysia.
Murali Raman
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Chin Wei Chong
Absorptive Capacity in Joint Project Teams - Evidence from Nigerian Upstream Oil Industry.
Murali Raman
Mudiarasan Vasu Kuppusamy
Magiswary Dorasamy
Sumitra Nair
Knowledge Management Systems and Disaster Management in Malaysia: An Action Research Approach.
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag.
13 (1) (2014)
Adedapo Oluwaseyi Ojo
Murali Raman
Siong Choy Chong
Chin Wei Chong
Individual antecedents of ACAP and implications of social context in joint engineering project teams: a conceptual model.
J. Knowl. Manag.
18 (1) (2014)
Magiswary Dorasamy
Murali Raman
Maniam Kaliannan
Evaluating CEMAS in simulated environment to support disaster management challenges.
Murali Raman
Magiswary Dorasamy
Saravanan Muthaiyah
Maniam Kaliannan
Web-based community disaster management and awareness system (CEMAS) in Malaysia.
Vijayan Paramsothy
Peter Charles Woods
Murali Raman
Success Factors for Implementation of Entrepreneurial Knowledge Management in Malaysian Banks.
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag.
12 (2) (2013)
Aria Asadi Eskandar
Murali Raman
State e-Government Portals in Malaysia: An Empirical Investigation.
Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res.
9 (2) (2013)
Amy Hui-Lan Lim
Chien-Sing Lee
Murali Raman
Hybrid genetic algorithm and association rules for mining workflow best practices.
Expert Syst. Appl.
39 (12) (2012)
Magiswary Dorasamy
Murali Raman
Information systems to support disaster planning and response: Problem diagnosis and research gap analysis.
Murali Raman
Terry Ryan
Murray E. Jennex
Lorne Olfman
Wiki Technology and Emergency Response: An Action Research Study.
Int. J. Inf. Syst. Crisis Response Manag.
2 (1) (2010)
Saravanan Muthaiyah
Murali Raman
Magiswary Dorasamy
Knowledge Evolution System for Dynamic Emergency Planning and Response.
Magiswary Dorasamy
Maran Marimuthu
Murali Raman
Maniam Kaliannan
E-Government Services Online: An Exploratory Study on Tax E-Filing in Malaysia.
Int. J. Electron. Gov. Res.
6 (4) (2010)
Nour Eldin Mohamed Elshaiekh Osman
Peter Charles Woods
Murali Raman
The Impact of KM on Small and Medium Sized Organisations in Sudan.
J. Inf. Knowl. Manag.
9 (1) (2010)
San Murugesan
Murali Raman
3G Mobile multimedia services (MMS) utilization in Indonesia: An exploratory research.
Mudiarasan Vasu Kuppusamy
Murali Raman
Geoffrey Lee
Whose ICT Investment Matters to Economic Growth: Private or Public? The Malaysian Perspective.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
37 (1) (2009)
Mudiarasan Vasu Kuppusamy
Murali Raman
Bala Shanmugam
Santhapparaj Solucis
A Perspective on the Critical Success Factors for Information Systems Deployment in Islamic Financial Institutions.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
37 (1) (2009)
Murray E. Jennex
Murali Raman
Knowledge Management in Support of Crisis Response.
Int. J. Inf. Syst. Crisis Response Manag.
1 (3) (2009)
Maniam Kaliannan
Murali Raman
Magiswary Dorasamy
E-procurement adoption in the malaysian public sector: organizational perspectives.
Alain Yee-Loong Chong
Binshan Lin
Keng-Boon Ooi
Murali Raman
Factors affecting the Adoption Level of C-Commerce: An Empirical Study.
J. Comput. Inf. Syst.
50 (2) (2009)
Jon Saltzman
Samir Chatterjee
Murali Raman
A framework for ICT standards creation: The case of ITU-T standard H.350.
Inf. Syst.
33 (3) (2008)
Maniam Kaliannan
Halimah Awang
Murali Raman
Technology adoption in the public sector: an exploratory study of e-government in Malaysia.
Mohd Daud Norzaidi
Siong Choy Chong
Murali Raman
Mohamed Intan Salwani
Intranet usage and managers' performance in the port industry.
Ind. Manag. Data Syst.
107 (8) (2007)
Murali Raman
Terry Ryan
Lorne Olfman
Knowledge Management Systems for Emergency Preparedness: The Claremont University Consortium Experience.
Int. J. Knowl. Manag.
2 (3) (2006)
Murali Raman
Wiki Technology as A "Free" Collaborative Tool within an Organizational Setting.
Inf. Syst. Manag.
23 (4) (2006)
Murali Raman
Terry Ryan
Lorne Olfman
Knowledge Management System for Emergency Preparedness: An Action Research Study.
Murali Raman
Terry Ryan
Lorne Olfman
Designing Knowledge Management Systems for Teaching and Learning with Wiki Technology.
J. Inf. Syst. Educ.
16 (3) (2005)
Murali Raman
Terry Ryan
Designing Online Discussion Support Systems for Academic Setting- "The Wiki Way".