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Muhammad Yusuf
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2022
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Partial Knowledge
Accurate Classification
Object Detection And Pose Estimation
Top Venues
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
Richa Mardianingrum
Maywan Hariono
Ruswanto Ruswanto
Muhammad Yusuf
Muchtaridi Muchtaridi
Synthesis, Anticancer Activity, Structure-Activity Relationship, and Molecular Modeling Studies of α-Mangostin Derivatives as hERα Inhibitor.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
62 (21) (2022)
Isa Anshori
Suksmandhira Harimurti
Mahendra Baleno Rama
Rey Ezra Langelo
Lenny Putri Yulianti
Gilang Gumilar
Muhammad Yusuf
Silmina Prastriyanti
Brian Yuliarto
Husna Nugrahapraja
Wyanda Arnafia
Irvan Faizal
Web-based surface plasmon resonance signal processing system for fast analyte analysis.
18 (2022)
Isa Anshori
Antonius Eko Nugroho
Aminul Solihin
Muhammad Yusuf
Yeni Wahyuni Hartati
Silmina Prastriyati Sari
Taufik Ramdani Tohari
Brian Yuliarto
Gilang Gumilar
Lavita Nuraviana
Raih Rona Althof
Single-Chained Fragment Variable (scFv) Recombinant as a Potential Receptor for SARS-CoV-2 Biosensor Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR).
Arif Muntasa
Muhammad Yusuf
Comparison between a Whole and Separated Feature Information for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Classification.
Arif Muntasa
Muhammad Yusuf
Three Channels for Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) to detect Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Images.
Humaizi Humaizi
Sakhyan Asmara
Rany Listiawati Sis
Muhammad Yusuf
The Use of Online Marketplace Website in Indonesia: A Study of Consumers' Motives and Gratification.
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol.
14 (7) (2020)
Maywan Hariono
Rina F. Nuwarda
Muhammad Yusuf
Rollando Rollando
Riris Istighfari Jenie
Belal Al-Najjar
Jeffry Julianus
Kevin C. Putra
Ervan S. Nugroho
Yohanes K. Wisnumurti
Sangga P. Dewa
Benedictus W. Jati
Reynaldo Tiara
Ratna D. Ramadani
Lailatul Qodria
Habibah A. Wahab
Arylamide as Potential Selective Inhibitor for Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9): Design, Synthesis, Biological Evaluation, and Molecular Modeling.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
60 (1) (2020)
Arif Muntasa
Muhammad Yusuf
Modeling of the Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Detection based on the Principal Object Characteristics of the Color Image.
Muhammad Arba
Andry Nur-Hidayat
Muhammad Yusuf
Rukman Hertadi
Setyanto Tri Wahyudi
Slamet Ibrahim Surantaadmaja
Daryono Hadi Tjahjono
Molecular modeling on porphyrin derivatives as β5 subunit inhibitor of 20S proteasome.
Comput. Biol. Chem.
74 (2018)
Ari Hardianto
Muhammad Yusuf
Fei Liu
Shoba Ranganathan
Exploration of charge states of balanol analogues acting as ATP-competitive inhibitors in kinases.
BMC Bioinform.
18 (16) (2017)
Muhammad Yusuf
Carl Adams
Kate Dingley
Digital Citizen Participation within Schools in the United Kingdom and Indonesia: An Actor-Network Theory (ANT) Perspective.
7 (4) (2016)
Muhammad Yusuf
Nornisah Mohamed
Suriyati Mohamad
Dusanka Janezic
K. V. Damodaran
Habibah A. Wahab
H274Y's Effect on Oseltamivir Resistance: What Happens Before the Drug Enters the Binding Site.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
56 (1) (2016)
Muhammad Yusuf
Janez Konc
Sy Bing Choi
Joanna Trykowska Konc
Nurul Bahiyah Ahmad Khairudin
Dusanka Janezic
Habibah A. Wahab
Structurally Conserved Binding Sites of Hemagglutinin as Targets for Influenza Drug and Vaccine Development.
J. Chem. Inf. Model.
53 (9) (2013)