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Mijin Kim
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2023
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Integrated Circuit
English Vocabulary
Computational Modeling
Secret Sharing
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Chankyu Joung
Mijin Kim
Taejin Paik
Seong-Ho Kong
Seung-Young Oh
Won Kyeong Jeon
Jae-hu Jeon
Joong-Sik Hong
Wan-Joong Kim
Woong Kook
Myung-Jin Cha
Otto van Koert
An Arrhythmia Classification-Guided Segmentation Model for Electrocardiogram Delineation.
Nahyun Eun
Soobin Ou
Mijin Kim
Chaewon Yoo
Jongwoo Lee
Speech-Recognizing KIOSK Mobile Application for the Visually Impaired.
Jerry R. Meyer
Chul Soo Kim
Mijin Kim
Chadwick L. Canedy
Charles D. Merritt
William W. Bewley
Igor Vurgaftman
Interband Cascade Photonic Integrated Circuits on Native III-V Chip.
21 (2) (2021)
Taehyeong Jeon
Proloy Das
Mijin Kim
ChangYeop Jeon
Byeonghwa Lim
Ivan Soldatov
Cheolgi Kim
Operational Parameters for Sub-Nano Tesla Field Resolution of PHMR Sensors in Harsh Environments.
21 (20) (2021)
Ting Wu
Fei Hao
Mijin Kim
Typical opinions mining based on Douban film comments in animated movies.
Entertain. Comput.
36 (2021)
Lorraine Remer
Robert C. Levy
Shana Mattoo
Didier Tanré
Pawan Gupta
Yingxi Shi
Virginia Sawyer
Leigh A. Munchak
Yaping Zhou
Mijin Kim
Charles Ichoku
Falguni Patadia
Rong-Rong Li
Santiago Gassó
Richard Kleidman
Brent N. Holben
The Dark Target Algorithm for Observing the Global Aerosol System: Past, Present, and Future.
Remote. Sens.
12 (18) (2020)
Sujung Go
Jhoon Kim
Sang Seo Park
Mijin Kim
Hyun-Kwang Lim
Ji-Young Kim
Dong-Won Lee
Jungho Im
Synergistic Use of Hyperspectral UV-Visible OMI and Broadband Meteorological Imager MODIS Data for a Merged Aerosol Product.
Remote. Sens.
12 (23) (2020)
GyuHyeok Choi
Mijin Kim
Gameplay of Battle Royale Game by Rules and Actions of Play.
Jhoon Kim
Myungje Choi
Mijin Kim
Hyungwang Lim
Seovouna Lee
Kyung Jung Moon
Won Joon Choi
Jong Min Yoon
Sang-Kyoon Kim
Dai Hn Ko
Seung Hoon Lee
Youngje Park
Chu-Yong Chung
Monitoring Atmospheric Composition by Geo-Kompsat-2: Goci-2, Ami and Gems.
Mijin Kim
Jhoon Kim
Omar Torres
Changwoo Ahn
Woogyung Kim
Ukkyo Jeong
Sujung Go
Xiong Liu
Kyung Jung Moon
Deok-Rae Kim
Optimal Estimation-Based Algorithm to Retrieve Aerosol Optical Properties for GEMS Measurements over Asia.
Remote. Sens.
10 (2) (2018)
GyuHyeok Choi
Mijin Kim
Eye gaze information of player using objects in FPS game space.
Sanghee Lee
Mijin Kim
Myungje Choi
Sujung Go
Jhoon Kim
Jung-Hyun Kim
Hyun-Kwang Lim
Ukkyo Jeong
Tae-Young Goo
Akihiko Kuze
Kei Shiomi
Tatsuya Yokota
Aerosol Property Retrieval Algorithm over Northeast Asia from TANSO-CAI Measurements Onboard GOSAT.
Remote. Sens.
9 (7) (2017)
Ting Wu
Fei Hao
Mijin Kim
Exploring the Production of "The Belt and Road"-Driven Animations with Crowdsourcing Model.
Mijin Kim
Young Yim Doh
Computational Modeling of Players' Emotional Response Patterns to the Story Events of Video Games.
IEEE Trans. Affect. Comput.
8 (2) (2017)
Sujung Go
Mijin Kim
Jhoon Kim
Sang Seo Park
Ukkyo Jeong
Myungje Choi
Detection of Absorbing Aerosol Using Single Near-UV Radiance Measurements from a Cloud and Aerosol Imager.
Remote. Sens.
9 (4) (2017)
In-Chang Hwang
Kil Won Lee
Sang Soon Park
Siamphone Chanthanoulay
Malouny Sisavanh
Virasack Rajpho
Mijin Kim
Somxay Billamay
Sommanikhone Phangmanixay
Bounleua Oudavong
The first picture archiving and communication system in Lao People's Democratic Republic: Changes in the utilization rate of imaging tests in the first year after implementation.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
94 (2016)
Jhoon Kim
Mijin Kim
Myungje Choi
Youngje Park
Chu-Yong Chung
Limseok Chang
Seung Hoon Lee
Monitoring atmospheric composition by GEO-KOMPSAT-1 and 2: GOCI, MI and GEMS.
GyuHyeok Choi
Mijin Kim
IPTV game test-bed system based on Bluetooth network.
Woogyung Kim
Jhoon Kim
Yeonjin Jung
Hartmut Boesch
Hanlim Lee
Sanghee Lee
Tae-Young Goo
Ukkyo Jeong
Mijin Kim
Chun-Ho Cho
Mi-Lim Ou
from GOSAT FTS over East Asia Using Simultaneous Aerosol Information from CAI.
Remote. Sens.
8 (12) (2016)
GyuHyeok Choi
Mijin Kim
The difference of player's action code by playing experience in combat oriented situation of FPS game.
Mijin Kim
Namje Park
The Concept of Delegation of Authorization and Its Expansion for Multi Domain Smart Grid System.
Mijin Kim
Namje Park
Dongho Won
Security Analysis on a Group Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing.
Mijin Kim
Namje Park
Dongho Won
Cryptanalysis of an Authenticated Group Key Transfer Protocol Based on Secret Sharing.
Seungkeun Song
Mijin Kim
Five Models of Players' Rule Behavior for Game Balance.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
15 (9) (2012)
Inkyung Jeun
Mijin Kim
Dongho Won
Enhanced Password-Based User Authentication Using Smart Phone.
Mijin Kim
Namje Park
Dongho Won
Weaknesses of a Dynamic ID-Based Remote User Authentication Scheme with Session Key Agreement for Multi-server Environment.
Mijin Kim
Motivation-behavior relations: An empirical analysis for playing experience on social network games.
Mijin Kim
Changyoung Kwon
Dongho Won
An Authenticated Key Exchange to Improve the Security of Shi et al. and Kim et al.'s Protocols.
WISM (1)
Mijin Kim
Seungjoo Kim
Dongho Won
An Exquisite Authentication Scheme with Key Agreement Preserving User Anonymity.
Mijin Kim
Byunghee Lee
Seungjoo Kim
Dongho Won
Weaknesses and Improvements of Kuo-Lee's One-Time Password Authentication Scheme.
Mijin Kim
Heasuk Jo
Seungjoo Kim
Dongho Won
Security Weakness in a Provable Secure Authentication Protocol Given Forward Secure Session Key.
Heasuk Jo
Yunho Lee
Mijin Kim
Seungjoo Kim
Dongho Won
Off-Line Password-Guessing Attack to Yang's and Huang's Authentication Schemes for Session Initiation Protocol.
Uchang Park
Mijin Kim
Eunoak Lee
Collaborative Pattern Design Project System Based on CSCW.
International Conference on Internet Computing
Seungkeun Song
Mijin Kim
Doo Heon Song
The Cognitive Processing Mechanism for the Players' Rule in MMO Game.
Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops
Hyunah Kang
Mijin Kim
A Study of Walking Motion for Game Character with a Player's Emotional Factors Applied.