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Michele Dei
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Noise Cancellation
Analog To Digital Converter
Low Cost
Delta Sigma
Top Venues
IEEE Access
Alessandro Catania
Francesco Gagliardi
Massimo Piotto
Paolo Bruschi
Michele Dei
Ultralow-Power Inverter-Based Delta-Sigma Modulator for Wearable Applications.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Francesco Gagliardi
Danilo Scintu
Massimo Piotto
Paolo Bruschi
Michele Dei
Performance Modelling of Optimal Combination Algorithms Applied to Arbitrary Data Converter Architectures.
Andrea Ria
Massimo Piotto
Xavier Muñoz-Berbel
Paolo Bruschi
Michele Dei
Low-Cost Sweating-Rate Sensor for Dehydration Monitoring in Sports.
Francesco Gagliardi
Alessandro Catania
Massimo Piotto
Paolo Bruschi
Michele Dei
A Novel High-Performance Parallel-Type Slew-Rate Enhancer for LCD-Driving Applications.
Alessandro Catania
Andrea Ria
Giuseppe Manfredini
Michele Dei
Massimo Piotto
Paolo Bruschi
A 150 mV, Sub-1 nW, 0.75%-Full-Scale INL Delta-Sigma ADC for Power-Autonomous Sensor Nodes.
Mattia Cicalini
Massimo Piotto
Paolo Bruschi
Michele Dei
Design of a Capacitance-to-Digital Converter Based on Iterative Delay-Chain Discharge in 180 nm CMOS Technology.
22 (1) (2022)
Alejandro Suanes
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A 85dB-SNDR 50 kHz bootstrapping-free resistor-less SC Delta-Sigma modulator IP block for PVT-robust low-power ADCs.
84 (2022)
Alejandro Suanes
Lluís Terés
Michele Dei
Francisco Serra-Graells
A 0.8mW 50kHz 94.6dB-SNDR Bootstrapping-Free SC Delta-Sigma Modulator ADC with Flicker Noise Cancellation.
Joan Aymerich
Augusto Márquez
Xavier Muñoz-Berbel
Francisco Javier del Campo
Gonzalo Guirado
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
Michele Dei
Potentiostatic Delta-Sigma Modulator for Wearable Electrochemical Transducers in 65-nm CMOS Technology.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Alejandro Suanes
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A 16bit 50kHz 177dB-FOMS Calibration-Free Bootstrapping-Free SC Delta-Sigma Modulator IP Block for Low-Power High-Resolution ADCs.
Jose Cisneros-Fernández
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
Switch-Less Frequency-Domain Multiplexing of GFET Sensors and Low-Power CMOS Frontend for 1024-Channel μECoG.
Joan Aymerich
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A 72-µW 90-dB Wide-Range Potentiostatic CMOS ΔΣ Modulator with Flicker Noise Cancellation for Smart Electrochemical Sensors.
Jose Cisneros-Fernández
Francisco Serra-Graells
Lluís Terés
Michele Dei
A Compact Switched-Capacitor Multi-Bit Quantizer for Low-Power High-Resolution Delta-Sigma ADCs.
Joan Aymerich
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A 6.5-μW 70-dB 0.18-μm CMOS Potentiostatic Delta-Sigma for Electrochemical Sensors.
Michele Dei
Roger Figueras
Josep Maria Margarit
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
Highly linear integrate-and-fire modulators with soft reset for low-power high-speed imagers.
Michele Dei
Jordi Sacristán
Eloi Marigó
Mohanraj Soundara
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A 10-bit linearity current-controlled ring oscillator with rolling regulation for smart sensing.
Michele Dei
Stepan Sutula
Jose Cisneros
Ernesto Pun
Richard Jan Engel Jansen
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A Robust 96.6-dB-SNDR 50-kHz-Bandwidth Switched-Capacitor Delta-Sigma Modulator for IR Imagers in Space Instrumentation.
17 (6) (2017)
Stepan Sutula
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A calibration-free 96.6-dB-SNDR non-bootstrapped 1.8-V 7.9-mW delta-sigma modulator with class-AB single-stage switched VMAs.
Stepan Sutula
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
Variable-Mirror Amplifier: A New Family of Process-Independent Class-AB Single-Stage OTAs for Low-Power SC Circuits.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(8) (2016)
Stepan Sutula
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
Class-AB single-stage OpAmp for low-power switched-capacitor circuits.
Nicolò Nizza
Michele Dei
Federico Butti
Paolo Bruschi
A Low-Power Interface for Capacitive Sensors With PWM Output and Intrinsic Low Pass Characteristic.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(6) (2013)
Josep Maria Margarit
Michele Dei
Lluís Terés
Francisco Serra-Graells
A self-biased PLL-tuned AER pixel for high-speed infrared imagers.
Michele Dei
Federico Butti
Paolo Bruschi
Massimo Piotto
A low power CMOS capacitance to pulse duration converter based on a dual clock approach.
Paolo Bruschi
Michele Dei
Massimo Piotto
Single Chip Sensing of Multiple Gas Flows
Paolo Bruschi
Nicolò Nizza
Michele Dei
A low-power capacitance to pulse width converter for MEMS interfacing.
Paolo Bruschi
Nicolò Nizza
Michele Dei
Giuseppe Barillaro
A low power capacitance to pulse width converter for integrated sensors.