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Matej Znidarec
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Solar Cell
Chemical Vapor Deposition
Distribution Networks
Open Data
Top Venues
ISGT Europe
Mario Primorac
Zvonimir Klaic
Matej Znidarec
Heidi Adric
Optimal allocation and sizing of shunt active power filter in radial distribution systems using particle swarm optimization.
Mario Primorac
Zvonimir Klaic
Matej Znidarec
Josip Job
Application of shunt active power filters in active distribution networks.
Danijel Topic
Goran Knezevic
Damir Sljivac
Matej Znidarec
Jurica Perko
Integration of the EV charging stations into the public lighting infrastructure.
ISGT Europe
Matej Znidarec
Damir Sljivac
Dario Dosen
Boris Dumnin
Performance assessment of mono and poly crystalline silicon photovoltaic arrays under Pannonian climate conditions.