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Mark Rojas
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2017
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
File Formats
Clustering Algorithm
Data Processing
Top Venues
BMC Bioinform.
Levent L. Albayrak
Kamil Khanipov
Mark Rojas
George Golovko
Maria Pimenova
Michael Kosoy
Yuriy Fofanov
Exploration of Natural Alignment Scoring Rules and Clustering Thresholds for Bacterial Core/Pan Genome Analysis.
Kamil Khanipov
Georgiy Golovko
Mark Rojas
Levent Albayrak
Otto Dobretsberger
Maria Pimenova
Nels Olson
Sergei Chumakov
Yuriy Fofanov
CoCo: An application to store High-Throughput Sequencing data in compact text and binary file formats.
Georgiy Golovko
Kamil Khanipov
Mark Rojas
Antonio Martínez-Alcántara
Jesse J. Howard
Efren Ballesteros
Sharu Gupta
William Widger
Yuriy Fofanov
Slim-Filter: an interactive windows-based application for illumina genome analyzer data assessment and manipulation.
BMC Bioinform.
13 (2012)
Stephen Huff
Mark Rojas
Paul Havlak
Yuriy Fofanov
Co-Evolution of the Influenza Virus and Its Hosts.
Antonio Martínez-Alcántara
Efren Ballesteros
Chen Feng
Mark Rojas
H. Koshinsky
Viacheslav Fofanov
Paul Havlak
Yuriy Fofanov
PIQA: pipeline for Illumina G1 genome analyzer data quality assessment.
25 (18) (2009)