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Mark A. Berrill
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
World Model
Mesh Refinement
Application Development
Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space
Top Venues
J. Comput. Phys.
ISC Workshops
Reuben D. Budiardja
Mark A. Berrill
Markus Eisenbach
Gustav R. Jansen
Wayne Joubert
Stephen Nichols
David M. Rogers
Arnold N. Tharrington
O. E. Bronson Messer
Ready for the Frontier: Preparing Applications for the World's First Exascale System.
Matthew R. Norman
Isaac Lyngaas
Abhishek Bagusetty
Mark A. Berrill
Portable C++ Code that can Look and Feel Like Fortran Code with Yet Another Kernel Launcher (YAKL).
Int. J. Parallel Program.
51 (4-5) (2023)
James E. McClure
Junqi Yin
Ryan T. Armstrong
Ketan C. Maheshwari
Sean Wilkinson
Lucas Vlcek
Ying Da Wang
Mark A. Berrill
Mark Rivers
Toward Real-Time Analysis of Synchrotron Micro-Tomography Data: Accelerating Experimental Workflows with AI and HPC.
Verónica G. Vergara Larrea
Wayne Joubert
Michael J. Brim
Reuben D. Budiardja
Don Maxwell
Matthew Ezell
Christopher Zimmer
Swen Boehm
Wael R. Elwasif
Sarp Oral
Chris Fuson
Daniel Pelfrey
Oscar R. Hernandez
Dustin Leverman
Jesse Hanley
Mark A. Berrill
Arnold N. Tharrington
Scaling the Summit: Deploying the World's Fastest Supercomputer.
ISC Workshops
O. E. Bronson Messer
Eduardo F. D'Azevedo
Judy Hill
Wayne Joubert
Mark A. Berrill
Christopher Zimmer
MiniApps derived from production HPC applications using multiple programing models.
Int. J. High Perform. Comput. Appl.
32 (4) (2018)
Verónica G. Vergara Larrea
Wayne Joubert
Mark A. Berrill
Swen Boehm
Arnold N. Tharrington
Wael R. Elwasif
Don E. Maxwell
Experiences Evaluating Functionality and Performance of IBM POWER8+ Systems.
ISC Workshops
James E. McClure
Mark A. Berrill
Jan F. Prins
Cass T. Miller
Asynchronous In Situ Connected-Components Analysis for Complex Fluid flows.
Steven P. Hamilton
Mark A. Berrill
Kevin T. Clarno
Roger P. Pawlowski
Alex Toth
C. T. Kelley
Thomas M. Evans
Bobby Philip
An assessment of coupling algorithms for nuclear reactor core physics simulations.
J. Comput. Phys.
311 (2016)
Wayne Joubert
Rick Archibald
Mark A. Berrill
W. Michael Brown
Markus Eisenbach
Ray W. Grout
Jeff Larkin
John M. Levesque
Bronson Messer
Matthew R. Norman
Bobby Philip
Ramanan Sankaran
Arnold N. Tharrington
John A. Turner
Accelerated application development: The ORNL Titan experience.
Comput. Electr. Eng.
46 (2015)
John A. Turner
Srikanth Allu
Mark A. Berrill
Wael R. Elwasif
Sergiy Kalnaus
Abhishek Kumar
Damien Lebrun-Grandié
Sreekanth Pannala
Srdjan Simunovic
Safer Batteries through Coupled Multiscale Modeling.
Bobby Philip
Mark A. Berrill
Srikanth Allu
Steven P. Hamilton
Rahul S. Sampath
Kevin T. Clarno
Gary A. Dilts
A parallel multi-domain solution methodology applied to nonlinear thermal transport problems in nuclear fuel pins.
J. Comput. Phys.
286 (2015)
Bobby Philip
Z. Wang
Mark A. Berrill
Manuel Birke
Michael Pernice
Dynamic implicit 3D adaptive mesh refinement for non-equilibrium radiation diffusion.
J. Comput. Phys.
262 (2014)
Manuel Rodriguez Rodriguez
Bobby Philip
Zhen Wang
Mark A. Berrill
Block-Relaxation Methods for 3D Constant-Coefficient Stencils on GPUs and Multicore CPUs