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Mario Polino
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 28
Top Topics
Execution Environment
Industrial Robots
Fraud Detection
Reverse Engineer
Top Venues
Comput. Secur.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
Gabriele Digregorio
Salvatore Maccarrone
Mario D'Onghia
Luigi Gallo
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
Tarallo: Evading Behavioral Malware Detectors in the Problem Space.
Stefano Longari
Alessandro Pozone
Jessica Leoni
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Mara Tanelli
Stefano Zanero
CyFence: Securing Cyber-Physical Controllers via Trusted Execution Environment.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput.
12 (2) (2024)
Lorenzo Binosi
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Stefano Zanero
BINO: Automatic recognition of inline binary functions from template classes.
Comput. Secur.
132 (2023)
Tommaso Paladini
Martino Bernasconi de Luca
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Francesco Trovò
Stefano Zanero
Advancing Fraud Detection Systems Through Online Learning.
Alessandro Bertani
Marco Bonelli
Lorenzo Binosi
Michele Carminati
Stefano Zanero
Mario Polino
Untangle: Aiding Global Function Pointer Hijacking for Post-CET Binary Exploitation.
Lorenzo Binosi
Luca Rullo
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Stefano Zanero
Rainfuzz: Reinforcement-Learning Driven Heat-Maps for Boosting Coverage-Guided Fuzzing.
Riccardo Remigio
Alessandro Bertani
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Stefano Zanero
The Good, the Bad, and the Binary: An LSTM-Based Method for Section Boundary Detection in Firmware Analysis.
Davide Avanzi
Stefano Longari
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Andrea Maria Zanchettin
Mara Tanelli
Stefano Zanero
Task Aware Intrusion Detection for Industrial Robots.
Mario D'Onghia
Federico Di Cesare
Luigi Gallo
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
Lookin' Out My Backdoor! Investigating Backdooring Attacks Against DL-driven Malware Detectors.
Tommaso Paladini
Francesco Monti
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Stefano Zanero
Fraud Detection under Siege: Practical Poisoning Attacks and Defense Strategies.
ACM Trans. Priv. Secur.
26 (4) (2023)
Nicola Galloro
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Andrea Continella
Stefano Zanero
A Systematical and longitudinal study of evasive behaviors in windows malware.
Comput. Secur.
113 (2022)
Alvise de Faveri Tron
Stefano Longari
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
CANflict: Exploiting Peripheral Conflicts for Data-Link Layer Attacks on Automotive Networks.
Alvise de Faveri Tron
Stefano Longari
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
CANflict: Exploiting Peripheral Conflicts for Data-Link Layer Attacks on Automotive Networks.
Danilo Labanca
Luca Primerano
Marcus Markland-Montgomery
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Stefano Zanero
Amaretto: An Active Learning Framework for Money Laundering Detection.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Mario D'Onghia
Matteo Salvadore
Benedetto Maria Nespoli
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
Apícula: Static detection of API calls in generic streams of bytes.
Comput. Secur.
119 (2022)
Nicola Ruaro
Kyle Zeng
Lukas Dresel
Mario Polino
Tiffany Bao
Andrea Continella
Stefano Zanero
Christopher Kruegel
Giovanni Vigna
SyML: Guiding Symbolic Execution Toward Vulnerable States Through Pattern Learning.
Dario Ferrari
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
NoSQL Breakdown: A Large-scale Analysis of Misconfigured NoSQL Services.
Michele Carminati
Luca Santini
Mario Polino
Stefano Zanero
Evasion Attacks against Banking Fraud Detection Systems.
Marcello Pogliani
Davide Quarta
Mario Polino
Martino Vittone
Federico Maggi
Stefano Zanero
Security of controlled manufacturing systems in the connected factory: the case of industrial robots.
J. Comput. Virol. Hacking Tech.
15 (3) (2019)
Andrea Continella
Mario Polino
Marcello Pogliani
Stefano Zanero
There's a Hole in that Bucket!: A Large-scale Analysis of Misconfigured S3 Buckets.
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Andrea Continella
Andrea Lanzi
Federico Maggi
Stefano Zanero
Security Evaluation of a Banking Fraud Analysis System.
ACM Trans. Priv. Secur.
21 (3) (2018)
Pietro De Nicolao
Marcello Pogliani
Mario Polino
Michele Carminati
Davide Quarta
Stefano Zanero
ELISA: ELiciting ISA of Raw Binaries for Fine-Grained Code and Data Separation.
Gabriele Viglianisi
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Andrea Continella
Stefano Zanero
SysTaint: Assisting Reversing of Malicious Network Communications.
Mario Polino
Andrea Continella
Sebastiano Mariani
Stefano D'Alessio
Lorenzo Fontana
Fabio Gritti
Stefano Zanero
Measuring and Defeating Anti-Instrumentation-Equipped Malware.
Andrea Continella
Michele Carminati
Mario Polino
Andrea Lanzi
Stefano Zanero
Federico Maggi
Prometheus: Analyzing WebInject-based information stealers.
J. Comput. Secur.
25 (2) (2017)
Davide Quarta
Marcello Pogliani
Mario Polino
Federico Maggi
Andrea Maria Zanchettin
Stefano Zanero
An Experimental Security Analysis of an Industrial Robot Controller.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
Yan Shoshitaishvili
Ruoyu Wang
Christopher Salls
Nick Stephens
Mario Polino
Andrew Dutcher
John Grosen
Siji Feng
Christophe Hauser
Christopher Krügel
Giovanni Vigna
SOK: (State of) The Art of War: Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
Vitor Monte Afonso
Paulo L. de Geus
Antonio Bianchi
Yanick Fratantonio
Christopher Kruegel
Giovanni Vigna
Adam Doupé
Mario Polino
Going Native: Using a Large-Scale Analysis of Android Apps to Create a Practical Native-Code Sandboxing Policy.
Mario Polino
Andrea Scorti
Federico Maggi
Stefano Zanero
Jackdaw: Towards Automatic Reverse Engineering of Large Datasets of Binaries.