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Maria T. Schultheis
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2001-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Traffic Safety
Basal Ganglia
Negative Effects
Activation Detection
Top Venues
Hum. Factors
David M. Neyens
Linda Ng Boyle
Maria T. Schultheis
The Effects of Driver Distraction for Individuals With Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Hum. Factors
57 (8) (2015)
Anna Caterina Merzagora
Meltem Izzetoglu
Robi Polikar
Valerie Weisser
Banu Onaral
Maria T. Schultheis
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Electroencephalography: A Multimodal Imaging Approach.
HCI (16)
Hasan Ayaz
Patricia A. Shewokis
Scott C. Bunce
Maria T. Schultheis
Banu Onaral
Assessment of Cognitive Neural Correlates for a Functional Near Infrared-Based Brain Computer Interface System.
HCI (16)
Lisa K. Simone
Maria T. Schultheis
Jose Rebimbas
Scott R. Millis
Head-Mounted Displays for Clinical Virtual Reality Applications: Pitfalls in Understanding User Behavior while Using Technology.
Cyberpsychology Behav. Soc. Netw.
9 (5) (2006)
Maria T. Schultheis
Lisa K. Simone
Emily Roseman
Richard Nead
Jose Rebimbas
Ronald R. Mourant
Stopping behavior in a VR driving simulator: A new clinical measure for the assessment of driving.
Albert A. Rizzo
Grigore C. Burdea
Larry F. Hodges
Maria T. Schultheis
Dorothy Strickland
Brenda K. Wiederhold
Mark D. Wiederhold
Tutorial 3: Assessment, Rehabilitation and Therapy Applications Using VR.
Maria T. Schultheis
Ronald R. Mourant
Virtual Reality and Driving: The Road To Better Assessment For Cognitively Impaired Populations.
Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ.
10 (4) (2001)
Albert A. Rizzo
J. Galen Buckwalter
Maria T. Schultheis
Ulrich Neumann
Todd Bowerly
Laehyun Kim
Marcus Thiébaux
Clint Chua
Virtual reality for persons with central nervous system dysfunction: assessment and treatment in the Information Society for all.