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Maki Suzuki
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2024
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Cognitive Impairment
Older Adults
Pilot Study
Convolutional Network
Top Venues
Frontiers Comput. Sci.
Frontiers Robotics AI
IEEE Access
Ákos Godó
Shuqiong Wu
Fumio Okura
Yasushi Makihara
Manabu Ikeda
Shunsuke Sato
Maki Suzuki
Yuto Satake
Daiki Taomoto
Yasushi Yagi
PPGCN: Phase-Aligned Periodic Graph Convolutional Network for Dual-Task-Based Cognitive Impairment Detection.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
Ryuji Yamazaki
Shuichi Nishio
Yuma Nagata
Yuto Satake
Maki Suzuki
Hideki Kanemoto
Miyae Yamakawa
David Figueroa
Hiroshi Ishiguro
Manabu Ikeda
Long-term effect of the absence of a companion robot on older adults: A preliminary pilot study.
Frontiers Comput. Sci.
5 (2023)
David Figueroa
Ryuji Yamazaki
Shuichi Nishio
Elie Maalouly
Yuma Nagata
Yuto Satake
Miyae Yamakawa
Maki Suzuki
Hideki Kanemoto
Manabu Ikeda
Hiroshi Ishiguro
Social robot for older adults with cognitive decline: a preliminary trial.
Frontiers Robotics AI
10 (2023)
Ryuji Yamazaki
Shuichi Nishio
Yuma Nagata
Yuto Satake
Maki Suzuki
Miyae Yamakawa
David Figueroa
Manabu Ikeda
Hiroshi Ishiguro
A Preliminary Study of Robotic Media Effects on Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment in Solitude.
Takeshi Konno
Junya Morita
Akihito Kishino
Takashi Hashimoto
Jiro Okuda
Maki Suzuki
Three co-creation stages in formation of symbol communication systems.
Maki Suzuki
Jeffrey D. Johnson
Michael D. Rugg
Decrements in Hippocampal Activity with Item Repetition during Continuous Recognition: An fMRI Study.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
23 (6) (2011)
Hirokazu Kikuchi
Toshikatsu Fujii
Nobuhito Abe
Maki Suzuki
Masahito Takagi
Shunji Mugikura
Shoki Takahashi
Etsuro Mori
Memory Repression: Brain Mechanisms underlying Dissociative Amnesia.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
22 (3) (2010)
Kazuto Tominaga
Tooru Watanabe
Maki Suzuki
Formulating Membrane Dynamics with the Reaction of Surface Objects.
Nobuhito Abe
Maki Suzuki
Etsuro Mori
Masatoshi Itoh
Toshikatsu Fujii
Deceiving Others: Distinct Neural Responses of the Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala in Simple Fabrication and Deception with Social Interactions.
J. Cogn. Neurosci.
19 (2) (2007)
Aya Ueno
Nobuhito Abe
Maki Suzuki
Kazumi Hirayama
Etsuro Mori
Manabu Tashiro
Masatoshi Itoh
Toshikatsu Fujii
Reactivation of medial temporal lobe and occipital lobe during the retrieval of color information: A positron emission tomography study.
34 (3) (2007)
Maki Suzuki
Takashi Tsukiura
Yoshihiko Matsue
Atsushi Yamadori
Toshikatsu Fujii
Dissociable brain activations during the retrieval of different kinds of spatial context memory.
25 (3) (2005)
Yumiko Kondo
Maki Suzuki
Shunji Mugikura
Nobuhito Abe
Shoki Takahashi
Toshio Iijima
Toshikatsu Fujii
Changes in brain activation associated with use of a memory strategy: a functional MRI study.
24 (4) (2005)
Toshikatsu Fujii
Maki Suzuki
Jiro Okuda
Hiroya Ohtake
Kazuyo Tanji
Keiichiro Yamaguchi
Masatoshi Itoh
Atsushi Yamadori
Neural correlates of context memory with real-world events.
21 (4) (2004)
Hyung-Suk Lee
Toshikatsu Fujii
Jiro Okuda
Takashi Tsukiura
Atsushi Umetsu
Maki Suzuki
Tatsuo Nagasaka
Shoki Takahashi
Atsushi Yamadori
Changes in brain activation patterns associated with learning of Korean words by Japanese: an fMRI study.
20 (1) (2003)
Maki Suzuki
Toshikatsu Fujii
Takashi Tsukiura
Jiro Okuda
Atsushi Umetsu
Tatsuo Nagasaka
Shunji Mugikura
Isao Yanagawa
Shoki Takahashi
Atsushi Yamadori
Neural Basis of Temporal Context Memory: A Functional MRI Study.
17 (4) (2002)