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Lorenzo Iotti
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2023
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Linear Array
Vlsi Architecture
High Speed
Host Computer
Top Venues
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
ICC Workshops
Abdelrahman H. Ahmed
Leonardo Vera
Lorenzo Iotti
Ruizhi Shi
Sudip Shekhar
Alexander V. Rylyakov
A Dual-Polarization Silicon-Photonic Coherent Receiver Front-End Supporting 528 Gb/s/Wavelength.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
58 (8) (2023)
Ethan Chou
Nima Baniasadi
Hesham Beshary
Meng Wei
Emily Naviasky
Lorenzo Iotti
Ali M. Niknejad
A Low-Power and Energy-Efficient D-Band CMOS Four-Channel Receiver with Integrated LO Generation for Digital Beamforming Arrays.
Ethan Chou
Lorenzo Iotti
Ali M. Niknejad
Design of an Inductor-Less 72-GHz 2: 1 CMOS CML Frequency Divider With Dual-Core VCO.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II Express Briefs
69 (6) (2022)
Aditya Dhananjay
Kai Zheng
Marco Mezzavilla
Lorenzo Iotti
Dennis E. Shasha
Sundeep Rangan
Pi-Radio v1: Calibration techniques to enable fully-digital beamforming at 60 GHz.
Comput. Networks
196 (2021)
Emily Naviasky
Lorenzo Iotti
Greg LaCaille
Borivoje Nikolic
Elad Alon
Ali M. Niknejad
14.1 A 71-to-86GHz Packaged 16-Element by 16-Beam Multi-User Beamforming Integrated Receiver in 28nm CMOS.
Emily Naviasky
Lorenzo Iotti
Greg LaCaille
Borivoje Nikolic
Elad Alon
Ali M. Niknejad
A 71-to-86-GHz 16-Element by 16-Beam Multi-User Beamforming Integrated Receiver Sub-Array for Massive MIMO.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
56 (12) (2021)
Sashank Krishnamurthy
Lorenzo Iotti
Ali M. Niknejad
Design of High-Linearity Mixer-First Receivers for mm-Wave Digital MIMO Arrays.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
56 (11) (2021)
Lorenzo Iotti
Sashank Krishnamurthy
Greg LaCaille
Ali M. Niknejad
A Low-Power 70-100-GHz Mixer-First RX Leveraging Frequency-Translational Feedback.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
55 (8) (2020)
Bo Zhao
Nai-Chung Kuo
Benyuanyi Liu
Yi-An Li
Lorenzo Iotti
Ali M. Niknejad
A Batteryless Padless Crystalless 116 µm × 116 µm "Dielet" Near-Field Radio With On-Chip Coil Antenna.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
55 (2) (2020)
Aditya Dhananjay
Kai Zheng
Jaakko Haarla
Lorenzo Iotti
Marco Mezzavilla
Dennis E. Shasha
Sundeep Rangan
Calibrating a 4-channel Fully-Digital 60 GHz SDR.
Greg LaCaille
James Dunn
Antonio Puglielli
Lorenzo Iotti
Sameet Ramakrishnan
Lucas Calderin
Zhenghan Lin
Emily Naviasky
Borivoje Nikolic
Ali M. Niknejad
Elad Alon
Design and Demonstration of a Scalable Massive MIMO Uplink at E-Band.
ICC Workshops
Lorenzo Iotti
Matteo Bassi
Andrea Mazzanti
Francesco Svelto
Design of low-power wideband frequency quadruplers based on transformer-coupled resonators for E-Band backhaul applications.
58 (2017)
Lorenzo Iotti
Andrea Mazzanti
Francesco Svelto
Insights Into Phase-Noise Scaling in Switch-Coupled Multi-Core LC VCOs for E-Band Adaptive Modulation Links.
IEEE J. Solid State Circuits
52 (7) (2017)
Lorenzo Iotti
Andrea Mazzanti
Francesco Svelto
A multi-core VCO and a frequency quadrupler for E-Band adaptive-modulation links in 55nm BiCMOS.