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Loc Hoang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2024
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Distributed Heterogeneous
Massive Datasets
Pattern Mining
Top Venues
Proc. VLDB Endow.
Chang Liu
Loc Hoang
Andrew Stolman
Bo Wu
HiTA: A RAG-Based Educational Platform that Centers Educators in the Instructional Loop.
AIED (2)
Loc Hoang
Rita Brugarolas Brufau
Ke Ding
Bo Wu
BatchGNN: Efficient CPU-Based Distributed GNN Training on Very Large Graphs.
Loc Hoang
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Keshav Pingali
CuSP: A Customizable Streaming Edge Partitioner for Distributed Graph Analytics.
ACM SIGOPS Oper. Syst. Rev.
55 (1) (2021)
Xuhao Chen
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Loc Hoang
Keshav Pingali
Sandslash: a two-level framework for efficient graph pattern mining.
Loc Hoang
Udit Agarwal
Gurbinder Gill
Roshan Dathathri
Abhik Seal
Brian Martin
Keshav Pingali
Optimizing Graph Transformer Networks with Graph-based Techniques.
Gurbinder Gill
Roshan Dathathri
Loc Hoang
Ramesh Peri
Keshav Pingali
Single Machine Graph Analytics on Massive Datasets Using Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory.
Proc. VLDB Endow.
13 (8) (2020)
Xuhao Chen
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Loc Hoang
Keshav Pingali
Sandslash: A Two-Level Framework for Efficient Graph Pattern Mining.
Hochan Lee
David Wong
Loc Hoang
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Vishwesh Jatala
David Kuck
Keshav Pingali
A Study of APIs for Graph Analytics Workloads.
Vishwesh Jatala
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Loc Hoang
V. Krishna Nandivada
Keshav Pingali
A Study of Graph Analytics for Massive Datasets on Distributed Multi-GPUs.
Loc Hoang
Vishwesh Jatala
Xuhao Chen
Udit Agarwal
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Keshav Pingali
DistTC: High Performance Distributed Triangle Counting.
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Loc Hoang
Keshav Pingali
Phoenix: A Substrate for Resilient Distributed Graph Analytics.
Loc Hoang
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Keshav Pingali
CuSP: A Customizable Streaming Edge Partitioner for Distributed Graph Analytics.
Gurbinder Gill
Roshan Dathathri
Loc Hoang
Ramesh Peri
Keshav Pingali
Single Machine Graph Analytics on Massive Datasets Using Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory.
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Loc Hoang
Vishwesh Jatala
Keshav Pingali
V. Krishna Nandivada
Hoang-Vu Dang
Marc Snir
Gluon-Async: A Bulk-Asynchronous System for Distributed and Heterogeneous Graph Analytics.
Loc Hoang
Matteo Pontecorvi
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Bozhi You
Keshav Pingali
Vijaya Ramachandran
A round-efficient distributed betweenness centrality algorithm.
Vishwesh Jatala
Loc Hoang
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
V. Krishna Nandivada
Keshav Pingali
An Adaptive Load Balancer For Graph Analytical Applications on GPUs.
Gurbinder Gill
Roshan Dathathri
Loc Hoang
Andrew Lenharth
Keshav Pingali
Abelian: A Compiler for Graph Analytics on Distributed, Heterogeneous Platforms.
Hoang-Vu Dang
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Alex Brooks
Nikoli Dryden
Andrew Lenharth
Loc Hoang
Keshav Pingali
Marc Snir
A Lightweight Communication Runtime for Distributed Graph Analytics.
Gurbinder Gill
Roshan Dathathri
Loc Hoang
Keshav Pingali
A Study of Partitioning Policies for Graph Analytics on Large-scale Distributed Platforms.
Proc. VLDB Endow.
12 (4) (2018)
Roshan Dathathri
Gurbinder Gill
Loc Hoang
Hoang-Vu Dang
Alex Brooks
Nikoli Dryden
Marc Snir
Keshav Pingali
Gluon: a communication-optimizing substrate for distributed heterogeneous graph analytics.