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Linda Hirsch
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 31
Top Topics
Oil Spill
Cidoc Crm
Design Space
Virtual Environment
Top Venues
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
INTERACT Workshops (2)
Rifat Mehreen Amin
Feng Chen
Linda Hirsch
Changkun Ou
Tran Vu La
Andreas Butz
Integrating Crowd and Machine Learning in an Intelligent Interface: A Case Study of Oil Spill Detection in Satellite Images.
Linda Hirsch
Human-Building Interaction for Interactive Cultural Heritage Site.
INTERACT Workshops (2)
Linda Hirsch
Siiri Paananen
Eva Hornecker
Luke Hespanhol
Tsvi Kuflik
Tatiana Losev
Jonna Häkkilä
Re-contextualizing Built Environments: Critical and Inclusive HCI Approaches for Cultural Heritage.
INTERACT Workshops (2)
Linda Hirsch
Siiri Paananen
Eva Hornecker
Luke Hespanhol
Tsvi Kuflik
Tatiana Losev
Jonna Häkkilä
Re-contextualizing Built Environments: Critical and Inclusive HCI Approaches for Cultural Heritage.
Luke Haliburton
Svenja Yvonne Schött
Linda Hirsch
Robin Welsch
Albrecht Schmidt
Feeling the Temperature of the Room: Unobtrusive Thermal Display of Engagement during Group Communication.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
7 (1) (2023)
Jakob Carl Uhl
Helmut Schrom-Feiertag
Georg Regal
Linda Hirsch
Yannick Weiss
Manfred Tscheligi
When Realities Interweave: Exploring the Design Space of Immersive Tangible XR.
Linda Hirsch
Daniel Buschek
Eileen Einwächter
Louisa Bekker
Andreas Butz
An empirical study to design interactions with historical buildings used for everyday activities.
Linda Hirsch
Florian Müller
Francesco Chiossi
Theodor Benga
Andreas Martin Butz
My Heart Will Go On: Implicitly Increasing Social Connectedness by Visualizing Asynchronous Players' Heartbeats in VR Games.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
7 (CHI) (2023)
Luke Haliburton
Svenja Yvonne Schött
Linda Hirsch
Robin Welsch
Albrecht Schmidt
Feeling the Temperature of the Room: Unobtrusive Thermal Display of Engagement during Group Communication.
Linda Hirsch
Robin Welsch
Beat Rossmy
Andreas Butz
Embedded AR Storytelling Supports Active Indexing at Historical Places.
Linda Hirsch
Jingyi Li
Sven Mayer
Andreas Butz
A Survey of Natural Design for Interaction.
Linda Hirsch
Ivan Graf von Silva-Tarouca
Robin Welsch
Increasing Socio-Spatial Connectedness Among Students: A Location-Based AR Social Media Network Approach.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Linda Hirsch
Ceenu George
Andreas Butz
Traces in Virtual Environments: A Framework and Exploration to Conceptualize the Design of Social Virtual Environments.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
28 (11) (2022)
Linda Hirsch
Andreas Schmid
Rosa van Koningsbruggen
Sarah Delgado Rodriguez
Dennis Dietz
Maximiliane Windl
Vitus Maierhöfer
15. Workshop Be-greifbare Interaktion.
MuC (Workshopband)
Jingyi Li
Linda Hirsch
Tianyang Lu
Sven Mayer
Andreas Butz
A Touch of Realities: Car-Interior-Based Haptic Interaction Supports In-Car VR Recovery from Interruptions.
Linda Hirsch
Anna Haller
Andreas Butz
Ceenu George
"What a Mess!": Traces of Use to Increase Asynchronous Social Presence in Shared Virtual Environments.
VR Workshops
Fiona Draxler
Linda Hirsch
Jingyi Li
Carl Oechsner
Sarah Theres Völkel
Andreas Butz
Flexibility and Social Disconnectedness: Assessing University Students' Well-Being Using an Experience Sampling Chatbot and Surveys Over Two Years of COVID-19.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Linda Hirsch
Eleni Economidou
Irina Paraschivoiu
Tanja Döring
Material meets the city: a materials experience perspective on urban interaction design.
29 (1) (2022)
Linda Hirsch
Florian Hild
Mohammad Obaid
Design Recommendations for Historical Cemeteries Using Speculative Design.
Linda Hirsch
Andreas Butz
Blend in or Pop Out? Designing an Embedded Interface for a Historical Cemetery.
Linda Hirsch
Eleni Economidou
Irina Paraschivoiu
Tanja Döring
Andreas Butz
Material Meets the City: Exploring Novel and Advanced Materials for the Smart Urban Built Environment.
Alexander Wiethoff
Marius Hoggenmueller
Beat Rossmy
Linda Hirsch
Luke Hespanhol
Martin Tomitsch
A Media Architecture Approach for Designing the Next Generation of Urban Interfaces.
48 (2021)
Linda Hirsch
Beat Rossmy
Andreas Butz
Shaping Concrete for Interaction.
Linda Hirsch
Christian Mall
Andreas Butz
Do Touch This: Turning a Plaster Bust Into a Tangible Interface.
Creativity & Cognition
Linda Hirsch
Yanhong Li
Hendrik Geiger
Andreas Butz
Safe-to-Touch: Tracking Touched Areas in Public Transport.
Linda Hirsch
Christina Schneegass
Robin Welsch
Andreas Butz
To See or Not to See: Exploring Inattentional Blindness for the Design of Unobtrusive Interfaces in Shared Public Places.
Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol.
5 (1) (2021)
Linda Hirsch
Unobtrusive Interfaces for Historical and Culturally Sensitive Places.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume)
Linda Hirsch
Beat Rossmy
Florian Bemmann
Andreas Butz
Affordances Based on Traces of Use in Urban Environments.
Tangible and Embedded Interaction
Linda Hirsch
Bodystorming exteroceptive stimulation to train body awareness.
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
Linda Hirsch
Designing interactive interfaces by keeping the natural beauty of public places.
UbiComp/ISWC Adjunct
Linda Hirsch
Anton Björsell
Mikael Laaksoharju
Mohammad Obaid
Investigating Design Implications Towards a Social Robot as a Memory Trainer.