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Ceenu George
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 26
Top Topics
Centered Design
Social Presence
Virtual Reality
Participatory Simulation
Top Venues
CHI Extended Abstracts
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
Katharina Weitz
Ruben Schlagowski
Elisabeth André
Maris Männiste
Ceenu George
Explaining It Your Way - Findings from a Co-Creative Design Workshop on Designing XAI Applications with AI End-Users from the Public Sector.
Rosa van Koningsbruggen
Luke Haliburton
Beat Rossmy
Ceenu George
Eva Hornecker
Bart Hengeveld
Metaphors and `Tacit' Data: the Role of Metaphors in Data and Physical Data Representations.
Maximilian Letter
Ceenu George
Katrin Wolf
A Survey of Computer-Supported Remote Collaboration on Physical Objects.
Maximiliane Windl
Anna Scheidle
Ceenu George
Sven Mayer
Investigating Security Indicators for Hyperlinking Within the Metaverse.
Luke Haliburton
Beat Rossmy
Albrecht Schmidt
Ceenu George
An Exploration of Hidden Data: Identifying and Physicalizing Personal Virtual Data to Extend Co-located Communication.
Ruben Schlagowski
Fabian Wildgrube
Silvan Mertes
Ceenu George
Elisabeth André
Flow with the Beat! Human-Centered Design of Virtual Environments for Musical Creativity Support in VR.
Creativity & Cognition
Linda Hirsch
Ceenu George
Andreas Butz
Traces in Virtual Environments: A Framework and Exploration to Conceptualize the Design of Social Virtual Environments.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
28 (11) (2022)
Linda Hirsch
Anna Haller
Andreas Butz
Ceenu George
"What a Mess!": Traces of Use to Increase Asynchronous Social Presence in Shared Virtual Environments.
VR Workshops
Jingyi Li
Ceenu George
Andrea Ngao
Kai Holländer
Stefan Mayer
Andreas Butz
Rear-Seat Productivity in Virtual Reality: Investigating VR Interaction in the Confined Space of a Car.
Multimodal Technol. Interact.
5 (4) (2021)
Sarah Prange
Ceenu George
Florian Alt
Design Considerations for Usable Authentication in Smart Homes.
Mensch und Computer
Nada Terzimehic
Ceenu George
Renate Häuslschmid
Heinrich Hussmann
On Ubiquitous Technology, a Digital World and their Influence on People's Feeling and Control of Presence in Everyday Life.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Ceenu George
Patrick Tamunjoh
Heinrich Hussmann
Invisible Boundaries for VR: Auditory and Haptic Signals as Indicators for Real World Boundaries.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
26 (12) (2020)
Ceenu George
An Ngo Tien
Heinrich Hussmann
Seamless, Bi-directional Transitions along the Reality-Virtuality Continuum: A Conceptualization and Prototype Exploration.
Ceenu George
Daniel Buschek
Andrea Ngao
Mohamed Khamis
GazeRoomLock: Using Gaze and Head-Pose to Improve the Usability and Observation Resistance of 3D Passwords in Virtual Reality.
AVR (1)
Jingyi Li
Ceenu George
Andrea Ngao
Kai Holländer
Stefan Mayer
Andreas Butz
An Exploration of Users' Thoughts on Rear-Seat Productivity in Virtual Reality.
AutomotiveUI (adjunct)
Ceenu George
Philipp Janssen
David Heuss
Florian Alt
Should I Interrupt or Not?: Understanding Interruptions in Head-Mounted Display Settings.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Ceenu George
Mariam Hassib
Towards Augmenting IVR Communication with Physiological Sensing Data.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Marion Koelle
Ceenu George
Valentin Schwind
Daniel Perry
Yumiko Sakamoto
Khalad Hasan
Robb Mitchell
Thomas Olsson
#SociallyAcceptableHCI: Social Acceptability of Emerging Technologies and Novel Interaction Paradigms.
Ceenu George
Mohamed Khamis
Daniel Buschek
Heinrich Hussmann
Investigating the Third Dimension for Authentication in Immersive Virtual Reality and in the Real World.
Mohamed Khamis
Nora Schuster
Ceenu George
Max Pfeiffer
ElectroCutscenes: Realistic Haptic Feedback in Cutscenes of Virtual Reality Games Using Electric Muscle Stimulation.
Ceenu George
Julia Schwuchow
Heinrich Hussmann
Fearing Disengagement from the Real World.
Ceenu George
Michael Spitzer
Heinrich Hussmann
Training in IVR: investigating the effect of instructor design on social presence and performance of the VR user.
Ceenu George
Manuel Demmler
Heinrich Hussmann
Intelligent Interruptions for IVR: Investigating the Interplay between Presence, Workload and Attention.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Ceenu George
Malin Eiband
Michael Hufnagel
Heinrich Hussmann
Trusting Strangers in Immersive Virtual Reality.
IUI Companion
Hanna Schneider
Florian Lachner
Malin Eiband
Ceenu George
Purvish Shah
Chinmay Parab
Anjali Kukreja
Heinrich Hussmann
Andreas Butz
Privacy and personalization: the story of a cross-cultural field study.
25 (3) (2018)
Hanna Schneider
Ceenu George
Malin Eiband
Florian Lachner
Investigating Perceptions of Personalization and Privacy in India.