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Liddy Nevile
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1994-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Iso Iec
Application Profiles
Ieee Lom
Top Venues
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Eva M. Méndez
Do We Need Application Profiles? Reflections and Suggestions from Work in DCMI and ISO/IEC.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
DC Metadata is Alive and Well (and has Influenced a New Standard for Education).
Dublin Core Conference
Brian Kelly
Liddy Nevile
E. A. Draffan
Sotiris Fanou
One world, one web ... but great diversity.
Ayako Morozumi
Liddy Nevile
Shigeo Sugimoto
Enabling Resource Selection Based on Written English and Intellectual Competencies.
Ann Chapman
Brian Kelly
Liddy Nevile
Andy Heath
Personalization and accessibility: integration of library and web approaches.
Liddy Nevile
Jutta Treviranus
Interoperability for Individual Learner Centred Accessibility for Web-based Educational Systems.
J. Educ. Technol. Soc.
9 (4) (2006)
Sarah Pulis
Liddy Nevile
Using the DC Abstract Model to support application profile developers.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Sophie Lissonnet
Dublin core and museum information: metadata as cultural heritage data.
Int. J. Metadata Semant. Ontologies
1 (3) (2006)
Ayako Morozumi
Mitsuharu Nagamori
Liddy Nevile
Shigeo Sugimoto
Using FRBR for the selection and adaptation of accessible resources.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Anonymous Dublin Core profiles for accessible user relationships with resources and services.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Sophie Lissonnet
Was CIMI too early? Dublin Core and Museum Information: metadata as cultural heritage data.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Adaptability and accessibility: a new framework.
Liddy Nevile
Metadata Generation and Accessibility Auditing.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Sophie Lissonnet
The Case for a Person/Agent Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Oliver K. Burmeister
Charles McCathieNevile
High Quality Scenarios for Raising Web Content Accessibility Awareness.
HCI (4)
Christopher Simpson
Liddy Nevile
Oliver K. Burmeister
Doing Ethics: A Universal Technique in an Accessibility Context.
Australas. J. Inf. Syst.
10 (2) (2003)
Liddy Nevile
Oliver K. Burmeister
Acting Accessibility: Scenario-based consideration of Web content accessibility for development and publishing communities.
WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks)
Liddy Nevile
Why is Accessibility Metadata Proving Difficult?
Dublin Core Conference
Michael Currie
Meigan Geileskey
Liddy Nevile
Richard Woodman
Visualising Interoperability: ARH, Aggregation, Rationalisation and Harmonisation.
Dublin Core Conference
Liddy Nevile
Sunrise: From local and institutional to global and personal computing.
Interactive Multimedia in University Education