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Jina Huh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2018
Publications (10 Years): 10
Top Topics
Clinical Data
Chronic Disease
Social Support
Online Communities
Top Venues
J. Biomed. Informatics
Tsung-Ting Kuo
Jina Huh
Jihoon Kim
Robert E. El-Kareh
Siddharth Singh
Stephanie Feudjio Feupe
Vincent Kuri
Gordon Lin
Michele E. Day
Lucila Ohno-Machado
Chun-Nan Hsu
The Impact of Automatic Pre-annotation in Clinical Note Data Element Extraction - the CLEAN Tool.
Courtland VanDam
Shaheen Kanthawala
Wanda Pratt
Joyce Chai
Jina Huh
Detecting clinically related content in online patient posts.
J. Biomed. Informatics
75 (2017)
Jing Zhang
Rebecca A. Marmor
Jina Huh
Towards Supporting Patient Decision-making In Online Diabetes Communities.
Jing Zhang
Gabriela Marcu
Julie A. Kientz
Laura R. Pina
Siddhant Ambulkar
Lena Mamykina
Jina Huh
Bridging Communities for Better HIT: Streaming Conversations from WISH on Challenges, Strategies, and Opportunities.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Chongguang Bi
Guoliang Xing
Tian Hao
Jina Huh
Wei Peng
Mengyan Ma
FamilyLog: A mobile system for monitoring family mealtime activities.
Jaemyung Shin
Bumsoo Kang
Taiwoo Park
Jina Huh
Jinhan Kim
Junehwa Song
BeUpright: Posture Correction Using Relational Norm Intervention.
Elizabeth A. Bell
Diana Guijarro
Hyeon-Eui Kim
Alexander Richardson
Jina Huh
Shuang Wang
Lucila Ohno-Machado
Categorizing Clinical Data to Make it Easier for Patients to Indicate Their Data Sharing Preferences.
Jina Huh
Bum Chul Kwon
Sung-Hee Kim
Sukwon Lee
Jaegul Choo
Jihoon Kim
Min-Je Choi
Ji Soo Yi
Personas in online health communities.
J. Biomed. Informatics
63 (2016)
Taiwoo Park
Tianyu Hu
Jina Huh
Plant-based Games for Anxiety Reduction.
Bum Chul Kwon
Sung-Hee Kim
Sukwon Lee
Jaegul Choo
Jina Huh
Ji Soo Yi
VisOHC: Designing Visual Analytics for Online Health Communities.
IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph.
22 (1) (2016)
Lisa M. Kopf
Simone Graetzer
Jina Huh
Videos influence behavior change measures for voice and speech in individuals with Parkinson's disease.
Wireless Health
Jaemyung Shin
Bumsoo Kang
Jinhan Kim
Jina Huh
Junehwa Song
Taiwoo Park
Demo: Posture Correction Using Smartphone-Based Relational Intervention Model.
Albert Park
Andrea L. Hartzler
Jina Huh
David W. McDonald
Wanda Pratt
Homophily of Vocabulary Usage: Beneficial Effects of Vocabulary Similarity on Online Health Communities Participation.
Jina Huh
Bum Chul Kwon
Jaegul Choo
Sung-Hee Kim
Ji Soo Yi
Coddlers, Scientists, Adventurers, and Opportunists: Personas to Inform Online Health Community Development.
Shaheen Kanthawala
Courtland VanDam
Barbara Given
Joyce Chai
Amber Vermeesch
Marianne Huebner
John Crowley
Jina Huh
Question Types in Online Health Communities.
Jina Huh
Clinical Questions in Online Health Communities: The Case of "See your doctor" Threads.
Shupei Yuan
Jina Huh
Informational Support Exchanges in Online Health Communities.
Jina Huh
Leslie S. Liu
Tina Neogi
Kori Inkpen
Wanda Pratt
Health Vlogs as Social Support for Chronic Illness Management.
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact.
21 (4) (2014)
Andrea L. Hartzler
David W. McDonald
Albert Park
Jina Huh
Charles Weaver
Wanda Pratt
Evaluating health interest profiles extracted from patient-generated data.
Jina Huh
Wanda Pratt
Weaving clinical expertise in online health communities.
Leslie S. Liu
Jina Huh
Tina Neogi
Kori Inkpen
Wanda Pratt
Health vlogger-viewer interaction in chronic illness management.
Jina Huh
David W. McDonald
Andrea L. Hartzler
Wanda Pratt
Patient Moderator Interaction in Online Health Communities.
Jina Huh
Thai Le
Blaine Reeder
Hilaire Thompson
George Demiris
Perspectives on wellness self-monitoring tools for older adults.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
82 (11) (2013)
Jina Huh
Meliha Yetisgen-Yildiz
Wanda Pratt
Text classification for assisting moderators in online health communities.
J. Biomed. Informatics
46 (6) (2013)
Jina Huh
Meliha Yetisgen-Yildiz
Andrea L. Hartzler
David W. McDonald
Albert Park
Wanda Pratt
Text Classification to Weave Medical Advice with Patient Experiences.
Albert Park
Andrea L. Hartzler
Jina Huh
David W. McDonald
Wanda Pratt
Extracting Everyday Health Interests from Online Communities.
Jina Huh
Mark S. Ackerman
Collaborative help in chronic disease management: supporting individualized problems.
Jina Huh
Andrea L. Hartzler
Sean A. Munson
Nick R. Anderson
Kelly Edwards
John L. Gore
David W. McDonald
Jim O'Leary
Andrea A. Parker
Derek Streat
Meliha Yetisgen-Yildiz
Mark S. Ackerman
Wanda Pratt
Brainstorming design for health: helping patients utilize patient-generated information on the web.
CSCW (Companion)
Andrea L. Hartzler
David W. McDonald
Albert Park
Jina Huh
Wanda Pratt
Mentor matching in peer health communities.
Jina Huh
Rupa A. Patel
Wanda Pratt
Tackling dilemmas in supporting 'the whole person' in online patient communities.
Jina Huh
Mark W. Newman
Mark S. Ackerman
Supporting collaborative help for individualized use.
Jina Huh
Lisa P. Nathan
M. Six Silberman
Eli Blevis
Bill Tomlinson
Phoebe Sengers
Daniela K. Busse
Examining appropriation, re-use, and maintenance for sustainability.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jina Huh
Mark S. Ackerman
Exploring social dimensions of personal information management with adults with AD/HD.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jina Huh
Martha E. Pollack
Hadi Katebi
Karem A. Sakallah
Ned Kirsch
Incorporating user control in automated interactive scheduling systems.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Jina Huh
Kevin Nam
Nikhil Sharma
Finding the lost treasure: understanding reuse of used computing devices.
Jina Huh
Mark S. Ackerman
Mark W. Newman
Ayse G. Buyuktur
Progressive scenarios: a rapid method for understanding user interpretations of technology.
Jina Huh
Mark S. Ackerman
Designing for all users: including the odd users.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jina Huh
Users' ongoing work on managing computational artifacts.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jina Huh
Mark S. Ackerman
Robert Douglas
The use of aesthetics in HCI systems.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jina Huh
Lauretta Jones
Thomas Erickson
Wendy A. Kellogg
Rachel K. E. Bellamy
John C. Thomas
BlogCentral: the role of internal blogs at work.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Jina Huh
Mark S. Ackerman
Thomas Erickson
Steve R. Harrison
Phoebe Sengers
Beyond usability: taking social, situational, cultural, and other contextual factors into account.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Barbara Mirel
Mary Maher
Jina Huh
User Needs in e-Government: Conducting Policy Analysis with Models-on-the-Web.