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James H. Korris
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2017
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Design Tools
Cognitive Development
Virtual Environment
Top Venues
Games Cult.
Trans. Digit. Games Res. Assoc.
Carl Symborski
Meg Barton
Mary Magee Quinn
James H. Korris
Karim S. Kassam
Carey K. Morewedge
The Design and Development of Serious Games Using Iterative Evaluation.
Games Cult.
12 (3) (2017)
Meg Barton
Carl Symborski
Mary Quinn
Carey K. Morewedge
Karim S. Kassam
James H. Korris
The Use of Theory in Designing a Serious Game for the Reduction of Cognitive Biases.
Trans. Digit. Games Res. Assoc.
2 (3) (2016)