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Imen Trabelsi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Machine Learning
Speech Emotion Recognition
Discriminative Classifiers
Mathematical Formulation
Top Venues
Int. J. Synth. Emot.
Int. J. Appl. Pattern Recognit.
Imen Trabelsi
Manel Abdellatif
Abdalgader Abubaker
Naouel Moha
Sébastien Mosser
Samira Ebrahimi-Kahou
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc
From legacy to microservices: A type-based approach for microservices identification using machine learning and semantic analysis.
J. Softw. Evol. Process.
35 (10) (2023)
Rafik Tighilt
Manel Abdellatif
Imen Trabelsi
Loïc Madern
Naouel Moha
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc
On the maintenance support for microservice-based systems through the specification and the detection of microservice antipatterns.
J. Syst. Softw.
204 (2023)
Imen Trabelsi
Med Salim Bouhlel
Cross-corpus classification of affective speech.
Int. J. Adv. Intell. Paradigms
22 (3/4) (2022)
Imen Trabelsi
Jules Françoise
Yacine Bellik
Sensor-based Activity Recognition using Deep Learning: A Comparative Study.
Imen Trabelsi
Romain Hérault
Héloise Baillet
Régis Thouvarecq
Ludovic Seifert
Gilles Gasso
Identifying patterns in trunk/head/elbow changes of riders and non-riders: A cluster analysis approach.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
143 (2022)
Imen Trabelsi
Filipo Studzinski Perotto
Usman Malik
Training universal background models with restricted data for speech emotion recognition.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
13 (10) (2022)
Imen Trabelsi
Marc Zolghadri
Besma Zeddini
Maher Barkallah
Mohamed Haddar
Prediction of obsolescence degree as a function of time: A mathematical formulation.
Comput. Ind.
129 (2021)
Filipo Studzinski Perotto
Imen Trabelsi
Stéphanie Combettes
Valérie Camps
Nicolas Verstaevel
Deciding when to quit the gambler's ruin game with unknown probabilities.
Int. J. Approx. Reason.
137 (2021)
Imen Trabelsi
Besma Zeddini
Marc Zolghadri
Maher Barkallah
Mohamed Haddar
Obsolescence Prediction based on Joint Feature Selection and Machine Learning Techniques.
Imen Trabelsi
Marc Zolghadri
Besma Zeddini
Maher Barkallah
Mohamed Haddar
FMECA-Based Risk Assessment Approach for Proactive Obsolescence Management.
Filipo Studzinski Perotto
Nicolas Verstaevel
Imen Trabelsi
Laurent Vercouter
Combining Bandits and Lexical Analysis for Document Retrieval in a Juridical Corpora.
SGAI Conf.
Imen Trabelsi
Dorra Ben Ayed
Noureddine Ellouze
Evaluation of influence of arousal-valence primitives on speech emotion recognition.
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol.
15 (4) (2018)
Yesmine Ben Amar
Imen Trabelsi
Nilanjan Dey
Fuqian Shi
Suresh Chandra Satapathy
Med Salim Bouhlel
Robust Watermarking of Polygonal Meshes Based on Vertex Norms Variance Distortion.
J. Glob. Inf. Manag.
25 (4) (2017)
Imen Trabelsi
Med Salim Bouhlel
Nilanjan Dey
Discrete and continuous emotion recognition using sequence kernels.
Int. J. Intell. Eng. Informatics
5 (3) (2017)
Yesmine Ben Amar
Imen Trabelsi
Nilanjan Dey
Med Salim Bouhlel
Euclidean Distance Distortion Based Robust and Blind Mesh Watermarking.
Int. J. Interact. Multim. Artif. Intell.
4 (2) (2016)
Imen Trabelsi
Med Salim Bouhlel
Comparison of Several Acoustic Modeling Techniques for Speech Emotion Recognition.
Int. J. Synth. Emot.
7 (1) (2016)
Rimah Amami
Imen Trabelsi
Noureddine Ellouze
Possibilistic support vector machines for automatic phoneme recognition.
Imen Trabelsi
Rimah Amami
Noureddine Ellouze
Automatic emotion recognition using generative and discriminative classifiers in the GMM mean space.
Imen Trabelsi
Med Salim Bouhlel
A multi features fusion support vector machine for classification of emotion issue in the design of an audio recognition system.
Int. J. Appl. Pattern Recognit.
3 (2) (2016)
Imen Trabelsi
Med Salim Bouhlel
Feature Selection for GUMI Kernel-Based SVM in Speech Emotion Recognition.
Int. J. Synth. Emot.
6 (2) (2015)
Imen Trabelsi
Dorra Ben Ayed Mezghanni
A Multi Level Data Fusion Approach for Speaker Identification on Telephone Speech.
Imen Trabelsi
Dorra Ben Ayed Mezghanni
On the Use of Different Feature Extraction Methods for Linear and Non Linear kernels.
Imen Trabelsi
Dorra Ben Ayed Mezghanni
Noureddine Ellouze
Improved Frame Level Features and SVM Supervectors Approach for the Recogniton of Emotional States from Speech: Application to categorical and dimensional states.