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Hiroki Ishimoto
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2022-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Artificial Cognitive Systems
Computer Generated
Virtual Environment
Hand Movements
Top Venues
ICAT-EGVE (Posters and Demos)
ISMAR Adjunct
IEEE Access
Yasunobu Katsumata
Yasuyuki Inoue
Satoshi Toriumi
Hiroki Ishimoto
Harin Hapuarachchi
Michiteru Kitazaki
Shared Avatar for Hand Movement Imitation: Subjective and Behavioral Analyses.
IEEE Access
11 (2023)
Yasunobu Katsumata
Hiroki Ishimoto
Yasuyuki Inoue
Michiteru Kitazaki
Sign Language Learning System with Concurrent Shared Avatar Hand in a Virtual Environment: Psychological Evaluation.
ICAT-EGVE (Posters and Demos)
Harin Hapuarachchi
Hiroki Ishimoto
Maki Sugimoto
Masahiko Inami
Michiteru Kitazaki
Embodiment of an Avatar with Unnatural Arm Movements.
ISMAR Adjunct
Takumi Komori
Hiroki Ishimoto
Gowrishankar Ganesh
Maki Sugimoto
Masahiko Inami
Michiteru Kitazaki
Sense of Ownership, Self-location, and Gaze Responses in Virtual Rubber Hand Illusion.
ICAT-EGVE (Posters and Demos)