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Hartmut Fritzsche
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1997-2000
Publications (10 Years): 0
Hartmut Fritzsche
T. Michel
Formalization and proof of design guidelines within the scope of testing formally specified electronic product catalogues.
Interact. Comput.
12 (3) (2000)
Josef Schneeberger
Nora Koch
Andreas Turk
Rainer Lutze
Martin Wirsing
Hartmut Fritzsche
Patrick Closhen
EPK-fix: Software-Engineering und Werkzeuge für elektronische Produktkataloge.
GI Jahrestagung
Alexander Knapp
Nora Koch
Martin Wirsing
J. Duckeck
Rainer Lutze
Hartmut Fritzsche
D. Timm
Patrick Closhen
Markus Frisch
Hans-Jürgen Hoffmann
Bernd Gaede
Josef Schneeberger
Herbert Stoyan
Andreas Turk
EPK-fix: Methods and Tools for Engineering Electronic Product Catalogues.
Hartmut Fritzsche
Immo O. Kerner
Man or Boy? Probleme der Rekursion in Compilern.
Inform. Spektrum
20 (3) (1997)